首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Integration of a porous coordination network and black phosphorus nanosheets for improved photodynamic therapy of tumor

Integration of a porous coordination network and black phosphorus nanosheets for improved photodynamic therapy of tumor


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Selectively attenuating the protection offered by heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), which is indispensable for the stabilization of the essential regulators of cell survival and works as a cell guardian under oxidative stress conditions, is a potential approach to improve the efficiency of cancer therapy. Here, we designed a biodegradable nanoplatform (APCN/BP-FA) based on a Zr(iv)-based porphyrinic porous coordination network (PCN) and black phosphorus (BP) sheets for efficient photodynamic therapy (PDT) by enhancing the accumulation of the nanoplatforms in the tumor area and attenuating the protection of cancer cells. Owing to the favorable degradability of BP, the nanosystem exhibited accelerated the release of the HSP90 inhibitor tanespimycin (17-AAG) and an apparent promotion in the reactive oxygen species (ROS) yield of PCN as well as expedited the degradation of the PCN-laden BP nanoplatforms. Bothin vitroandin vivoresults revealed that the elevated amounts of ROS and reduced cytoprotection in tumor cells were caused by the nanoplatforms. This strategy may provide a promising method for attenuating cytoprotection to aid efficient photodynamic therapy.
机译:选择性衰减所提供的保护热休克蛋白90(一半)不可缺少的的稳定细胞生存和工作的重要监管机构作为一个细胞守护在氧化应激条件,是一个潜在的方法来改善癌症治疗的效率。设计了一种可生物降解nanoplatform(APCN / BP-FA)基于Zr (iv)的porphyrinic多孔协调网络(PCN)以及基督教民主党(黑色磷高效光能(BP)表治疗(PDT)通过增强的积累肿瘤区和nanoplatforms衰减的保护癌细胞。英国石油公司有利的降解性,综合表现出加速释放一半抑制剂tanespimycin (17-AAG)和一个明显促进活性氧(ROS)收益率PCN以及加快BP nanoplatforms PCN-laden退化。Bothin vitroandin vivoresults显示大量的ROS升高和降低cytoprotection肿瘤细胞造成的nanoplatforms。有前途的方法衰减cytoprotection帮助有效的光动力治疗。




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