首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Conditioned taste aversion enhances the survival of an endangered predator imperilled by a toxic invader

Conditioned taste aversion enhances the survival of an endangered predator imperilled by a toxic invader


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1. Even when we cannot eradicate an invasive species, we may be able to reduce its ecological impact. In Australia, a critically endangered predator, the northern quoll Dasyurus hallucatus is threatened by the invasion of the highly toxic cane toad Bufo marinus. Following toad invasion, quoll populations have become extinct across Northern Australia. Toads are continuing to spread, and will soon invade the Kimberley, one of the quoll’s last strongholds. To prevent future local extinctions, we need a new approach for mitigating the impact of cane toads on this iconic predator. 2. We investigated whether conditioned taste aversion (CTA) could be used to modify quoll predatory behaviour and mitigate toad impacts. We successfully induced an aversion to live toads in juvenile northern quolls by feeding them a dead toad containing a nausea-inducing chemical (thiabendazole). 3. To investigate whether CTAenhanced quoll survival, we fitted radiocollars to 31 toad-smart and 31 toad-nave quolls, and monitored their survival after reintroduction to the wild. We analysed telemetry data using the program MARK to investigate whether survival was influenced by sex or experimental treatment (toad-smart vs. toad-nave). 4. Five of 17 (29%) toad-nae male quolls died shortly after release, as soon as they encountered and attacked large cane toads. In toad-nave quolls, apparent survival rates were higher for females (084) than for males (058), reflecting a sex difference in the propensity to attack toads. In both sexes, toad-smart quolls had higher apparent survival rates than did toad-nave conspecifics (mean daily apparent survival rates for females, 094 vs. 084 respectively; for males, 088 vs. 058). 5. Synthesis and applications. Wildlife managers could aerially deploy taste aversion baits in the field, ahead of the toad invasion front, to teach toad-nave quolls to avoid live cane toads before the toads invade such areas. This approach has wider applications, and could also be used to mitigate the impacts of invasive vertebrate predators on threatened fauna. When invasive predators cannot be eradicated, CTA may provide a feasible way to maintain populations of endangered fauna in the presence of the invader.
机译:1. 物种,我们也许能够减少其生态的影响。食肉动物,种猫有这么是剧毒的入侵的威胁吗甘蔗蟾蜍以绿。种种群灭绝澳大利亚北部。传播,很快就会入侵金伯利种的最后据点。未来的当地物种灭绝,我们需要一个新的方法为减轻甘蔗蟾蜍的影响标志性的捕食者。条件性味觉厌恶(CTA)可以用来修改种掠夺性行为和减轻蟾蜍的影响。蟾蜍在少年小袋鼬北部生活包含一个喂它们一个死去的蟾蜍反胃化学(噻苯咪唑)。调查是否CTAenhanced种生存,我们安装radiocollars toad-smart 31日和31日toad-nave袋鼬和监控他们的生存后再引入到野外。用程序马克遥测数据调查是否生存受到了性或实验处理(toad-smart vs。toad-nave)。袋鼬死后不久发布,尽快他们遇到了和攻击大型甘蔗蟾蜍。在toad-nave袋鼬明显的存活率更高的女性比男性(058)(084),反映出性别差异的倾向蟾蜍的攻击。有更高的存活率明显比吗toad-nave同种个体(平均每天明显存活率为女性,094年和084年分别;合成和应用程序。可以在空中部署味觉厌恶的鱼饵吗领域,领先的蟾蜍入侵前,教toad-nave袋鼬为了避免住甘蔗蟾蜍蟾蜍入侵等领域。更广泛的应用,也可以用于减少侵入性脊椎动物的影响食肉动物在动物的威胁。捕食者不能根除,CTA可能提供一个维持种群的可行方法濒危动物的入侵者。




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