首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Using lichen functional diversity to assess the effects of atmospheric ammonia in Mediterranean woodlands

Using lichen functional diversity to assess the effects of atmospheric ammonia in Mediterranean woodlands


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Atmospheric ammonia (NH_3) is one of the main drivers for ecosystem changes world-wide, including biodiversity loss. Modelling its deposition to evaluate its impact on ecosystems has been the focus of many studies. For that, universal indicators are needed to determine and compare the early effects of NH_3 across ecosystems. 2.We evaluate the effects of atmospheric NH_3 in ecosystems using lichens, which are one of the most sensitive communities at the ecosystem level. Rather than measuring total diversity, we use a functional diversity approach because this is potentially a more universal tool. 3.We evaluated the spatial and temporal patterns of atmospheric NH_3 concentrations ([NH_3]_(atm)) emitted from a point-source over a 1-year period in a cork oak Mediterranean woodland. We observed a temporal pattern of [NH_3]_(atm), with maximum concentrations during autumn. 4.The distribution of lichen species was c. 90% explained by [NH_3]_(atm). The tolerance of lichen species to atmospheric NH_3, based on expert knowledge from literature, was tested for the first time against direct measurements of atmospheric NH_3. Most species were well classified, with the exception of Lecanora albella and Chrysothrix candelaris, which were more tolerant than expected. Our updated lichen classification can be used to establish lichen functional groups that respond to atmospheric NH_3, and these can be used in other Mediterranean countries. 5.Increasing [NH_3]_(atm) led to a complete replacement of oligotrophic by nitrophytic species within 65m of the NH_3 source. The geostatistical analysis of functional diversity variables yielded a spatial model with low non-spatial variance, indicating that these variables can cope robustly with high spatial variation in NH_3. 6.Synthesis and applications. Our results support the use of functional diversity variables, such as a lichen diversity value, as accurate and robust indicators of the effects of atmospheric NH_3 on ecosystems. The spatial modelling of these indicators can provide information with high spatial resolution about the effects of atmospheric NH_3 around point- and diffuse sources. As this methodology is based on functional groups, it can be applied to monitor both the impact of atmospheric NH_3 and the success of mitigation strategies.
机译:大气氨(NH_3)是主要的之一司机对于全球生态系统的变化,包括生物多样性的丧失。沉积来评估它对生态系统的影响一直是许多研究的焦点。需要确定和通用指标比较NH_3的早期影响生态系统。使用地衣大气NH_3的生态系统,这是一个最敏感的社区在生态系统水平。总多样性,我们使用一个功能的多样性方法,因为这是一个潜在的更多普遍的工具。时态模式大气NH_3浓度((NH_3) _ (atm))发出栓皮栎点源1年时间地中海森林。(NH_3) _ (atm)的模式,以最大浓度在秋天。地衣物种的解释为c。90%(NH_3) _ (atm)。大气NH_3,基于专家知识文学,首次进行了测试大气NH_3的直接测量。物种分类,除了比预期更宽容。地衣可以用来分类更新建立地衣反应的官能团大气NH_3,这些可以用于其他地中海国家。(NH_3) _ (atm)导致完全更换在65米的贫瘠nitrophytic物种NH_3源。功能多样性变量产生了一个空间较低的非空间模型方差,表示这些变量可以积极应对高NH_3的空间变化。应用程序。功能多样性变量,如地衣多样性的价值,准确和鲁棒性大气NH_3指标的影响生态系统。与高指标可以提供信息空间分辨率的影响周围大气NH_3和扩散来源。官能团,它可以应用于监控影响大气NH_3和缓解策略的成功。



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