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Rejuvenating Central Park - As new York's Central Park approached its 150th birthday, water quality specialists looked for ways to keep its waters healthy


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When strolling through the Ramble, bird-watching by the Lock, or boating on the Lake, it is easy to forget that Central Park is surrounded by the most densely populated metropolitan area in the United States. However, accommodating 20 million pedestrians and millions of vehicles each year, as we as the surrounding metropolis of 4 million residents takes its toll on this oasis - and on anyone charged with developing an integrated water resource management plan for the park. Central Park's eight man-made waterbodies - the Reservoir, the Lake, Harlem Meer, the Pond, Turtle Pond, the Pool, Conservatory Water, and the Loch - cover 60.7 ha (150 ac; more than 15 percent of the park's total area) and are an integral part of the visitor experience (see Figure 1, p. 52). They provide visitors with opportunities for boating, fishing, and other "secondary contact" recreational activities.
机译:当漫步闲逛,观鸟锁,或在湖上划船,这是很容易的忘记,中央公园包围最密集的大都市中美国。行人和每年数以百万计的车辆,当我们400万年周围的大都市居民的人数在这绿洲——和谁负责开发一个集成水资源管理计划公园。中央公园的八个人造水体-哈莱姆米尔水库、湖泊,池塘,水龟池、游泳池、音乐学院,尼斯-覆盖60.7公顷(150 ac;公园的总面积的百分比)和一个游客体验的一部分(见图1中,52页)。机会划船、钓鱼、和其他“辅助触点”的娱乐活动。



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  • 1. Kinesthetic Water Park [P] . 外国专利: US2021170289A1 . 2021-06-10

    机译:Kinesthetic Water Park.



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