首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >BEEHAVE: a systems model of honeybee colony dynamics and foraging to explore multifactorial causes of colony failure

BEEHAVE: a systems model of honeybee colony dynamics and foraging to explore multifactorial causes of colony failure


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1. A notable increase in failure of managed European honeybee Apis mellifera L. colonies has been reported in various regions in recent years. Although the underlying causes remain unclear, it is likely that a combination of stressors act together, particularly varroa mites and other pathogens, forage availability and potentially pesticides. It is experimentally challenging to address causality at the colony scale when multiple factors interact. In silico experiments offer a fast and cost-effective way to begin to address these challenges and inform experiments. However, none of the published bee models combine colony dynamics with foraging patterns and varroa dynamics. 2. We have developed a honeybee model, BEEHAVE, which integrates colony dynamics, population dynamics of the varroa mite, epidemiology of varroa-transmitted viruses and allows foragers in an agent-based foraging model to collect food from a representation of a spatially explicit landscape. 3. We describe the model, which is freely available online (www.beehave-model.net). Extensive sensitivity analyses and tests illustrate the model's robustness and realism. Simulation experiments with various combinations of stressors demonstrate, in simplified landscape settings, the model's potential: predicting colony dynamics and potential losses with and without varroa mites under different foraging conditions and under pesticide application. We also show how mitigation measures can be tested. 4. Synthesis and applications. BEEHAVE offers a valuable tool for researchers to design and focus field experiments, for regulators to explore the relative importance of stressors to devise management and policy advice and for beekeepers to understand and predict varroa dynamics and effects of management interventions. We expect that scientists and stakeholders will find a variety of applications for BEEHAVE, stimulating further model development and the possible inclusion of other stressors of potential importance to honeybee colony dynamics.
机译:1. 欧洲蜜蜂蜜蜂l .殖民地据报道近年来各地区。虽然根本原因尚不清楚,它可能的组合压力行为在一起,尤其是蜂螨等病原体,饲料和潜在的可用性农药。解决因果关系在种群规模多种因素相互作用。提供一个快速和具有成本效益的方法应对这些挑战并告知实验。然而,没有一个蜜蜂模型结合出版群落动态与觅食模式和蜂动力学。BEEHAVE于一体的群体动力学,瓦螨的种群动态,varroa-transmitted病毒和流行病学允许觅食,在基于个体觅食模式收集食物的代表空间显式的景观。模型,在线免费(www.beehave-model.net)。说明模型的分析和测试鲁棒性和现实主义。各种压力的组合证明,在简化的景观设置,动力学模型的潜力:预测殖民地和潜在的损失,没有蜂螨在不同条件和觅食在农药应用程序。缓解措施可以进行测试。和应用程序。研究人员设计和重点领域实验中,监管机构探索相对压力设计的重要性管理和政策建议和养蜂人理解和预测蜂动力学和管理干预措施的影响。科学家和利益相关者将找到一个各种BEEHAVE申请,刺激进一步发展和可能的模型包含其他潜在的压力对蜜蜂殖民地动力学的重要性。



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