首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >No effect of satellite tagging on survival, recruitment, longevity, productivity and social dominance of a raptor, and the provisioning and condition of its offspring

No effect of satellite tagging on survival, recruitment, longevity, productivity and social dominance of a raptor, and the provisioning and condition of its offspring


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The deployment of electronic devices on animals is rapidly expanding and producing leapfrog advances in ecological knowledge. Even though their effects on the ecology and behaviour of the marked subjects are potentially important, <10% of the studies are accompanied by an evaluation of impact, and comprehensive, long-term assessments have been few. Therefore, there is an urgent need to test for impacts, especially for tags that are heavy and deployed for long time periods, such as satellite transmitters.
机译:电子设备的部署在动物身上快速扩张和生产跨越式进步在生态知识。对生态和行为的影响主题是潜在的重要,< 10%的研究是伴随着一个评估的影响,全面、长期评估已经很少。迫切需要测试的影响,尤其是对标签是长时间重和部署期,如卫星发射器。




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