首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Neonicotinoid insecticide travels through a soil food chain, disrupting biological control of non-target pests and decreasing soya bean yield

Neonicotinoid insecticide travels through a soil food chain, disrupting biological control of non-target pests and decreasing soya bean yield


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Neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticides world-wide, but their fate in the environment remains unclear, as does their potential to influence non-target species and the roles they play in agroecosystems. We investigated in laboratory and field studies the influence of the neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, applied as a coating to soya bean seeds, on interactions among soya beans, non-target molluscan herbivores and their insect predators. In the laboratory, the pest slug Deroceras reticulatum was unaffected by thiamethoxam, but transmitted the toxin to predaceous beetles (Chlaenius tricolor), impairing or killing >60%. In the field, thiamethoxam-based seed treatments depressed activity-density of arthropod predators, thereby relaxing predation of slugs and reducing soya bean densities by 19% and yield by 5%. Neonicotinoid residue analyses revealed that insecticide concentrations declined through the food chain, but levels in field-collected slugs (up to 500ngg(-1)) were still high enough to harm insect predators.Synthesis and applications. Our findings reveal a previously unconsidered ecological pathway through which neonicotinoid use can unintentionally reduce biological control and crop yield. Trophic transfer of neonicotinoids challenges the notion that seed-applied toxins precisely target herbivorous pests and highlights the need to consider predatory arthropods and soil communities in neonicotinoid risk assessment and stewardship.
机译:烟碱类是使用最广泛的全球杀虫剂,但他们的命运环境尚不清楚,他们一样潜在的影响和非目标物种他们在农业生态系统的角色。在实验室和现场研究调查影响烟碱类杀虫剂thiamethoxam,作为涂料用于大豆种子大豆之间的交互,非目标软体动物的食草动物和昆虫捕食者。在实验室里,害虫蛞蝓Derocerasreticulatum被thiamethoxam不受影响,但是传播的毒素食肉的甲虫(Chlaenius三色),损害或杀死> 60%。, thiamethoxam-based种子治疗抑郁activity-density节肢动物的捕食者,从而放松蛞蝓的捕食并减少19%的大豆密度和产量了5%。杀虫剂浓度下降食物链,但在field-collected水平蛞蝓(500 ngg(1)仍足够高伤害昆虫捕食者。应用程序。被忽视的生态途径,通过它烟碱类杀虫剂使用可以无意中减少生物控制和作物产量。转让烟碱类概念的挑战seed-applied毒素精确的目标食草害虫和凸显了需要考虑捕食性节肢动物和土壤烟碱类杀虫剂的风险评估和社区管理工作。




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