首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Improving the early detection of alien wood-boring beetles in ports and surrounding forests

Improving the early detection of alien wood-boring beetles in ports and surrounding forests


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International ports are generally considered the most likely points of entry for alien wood-boring beetles. A better understanding of the factors affecting their arrival and establishment at ports and their surrounding areas is of utmost importance to improve the efficacy and the cost-effectiveness of early detection programmes. Our work aimed at understanding how port size and the characteristics of the landscape surrounding the port, in terms of forest cover and forest composition, influence the occurrence of alien wood-boring beetles. From May to September 2012, 15 Italian international ports and the surrounding forests were monitored with multi-funnel traps baited with a multi-lure blend (-pinene, ethanol, ipsdienol, ipsenol, methyl-butenol), three in each port and three in forests located 3-5km away from the port. We identified both alien and native Scolytinae, Cerambycidae and Buprestidae beetles. Fourteen alien species, among which four are new to Italy, were trapped. Alien species richness was positively related to the amount of imported commodities at the port scale. Broadleaf forests surrounding ports received larger number of alien species than conifer forests. By contrast, total forest cover in the landscape surrounding ports was positively related to the occurrence of native but not alien species. The alien and native species richness was higher in the surrounding forests than in the ports.Synthesis and applications. The simultaneous use of traps in ports with large volume of imported commodities and in their surrounding broadleaf forests can strongly increase the probability of alien wood-boring beetle interceptions. The identification of sites where the arrival and establishment of alien species is more probable, combined with an efficient trapping protocol, can substantially improve the efficacy of early detection. Similar approaches may be used in other countries as early warning systems to implement timely measures to eradicate or contain alien invasions at the European scale.
机译:国际港口通常被认为是最有可能的外星wood-boring条目甲虫。影响他们的到来和建立港口及其周边地区是最大的提高有效性和重要性成本效益的早期检测项目。我们的工作旨在了解港口规模和周围的景观的特点港口,森林覆盖和森林组成,影响外星人的出现wood-boring甲虫。意大利国际港口和15周围的森林被监控multi-funnel陷阱multi-lure混合(-pinene、乙醇、ipsdienol ipsenol,methyl-butenol),三个在每个端口和三个森林位于3-5km离港。发现外星人和本地Scolytinae,天牛、吉丁虫科甲虫。外来物种,其中四个是新到意大利,被困。积极与进口的数量有关商品在港口规模。周边港口收到更多的外星人比针叶树森林物种。森林覆盖在港口周围的景观呈正相关的发生本地而不是外来物种。原生物种丰富度较高周围的森林比港口。和应用程序。与大量的进口港口大宗商品和在他们周围的阔叶树森林可以强烈的概率增加外星人wood-boring甲虫被拦截。识别网站的到来建立外来物种是更有可能的,结合一个高效捕获协议,可以大大提高早期的功效检测。其他国家的早期预警系统实现及时的措施消除或控制外星人入侵欧洲规模。



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