首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Contrasting effects of phylogenetic relatedness on plant invader success in experimental grassland communities

Contrasting effects of phylogenetic relatedness on plant invader success in experimental grassland communities


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Identifying the factors determining the success of invasive species is critical for management of biological invasions. Darwin's naturalization conundrum states that exotic species closely related to natives should be successful because of a shared affinity for local environmental conditions, but at the same time close relatives often compete more intensively, limiting niche' opportunities for the invaders. Previous studies have generally considered these two opposing' hypotheses as mutually exclusive, yet evidence for both of them abounds, indicating a practical dilemma for management of biological invasions. In this study, we sowed the seeds of the invasive exotic Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. into 369 experimental plant communities to mimic an introduction of the exotics into a series of new habitats. We further linked the establishment and growth performance of the invader in these experimental communities to the phylogenetic relatedness between the invader and the community residents where it was introduced. We found that the probability of invader establishment declined with increasing phylogenetic distance between the invader and residents, whereas the average size of surviving invader individuals increased with the phylogenetic distance. These results can be at least partly explained by the observations that close relatives tend to create similar soil microhabitat through harbouring similar soil enzymes (e.g. alkaline and acid phosphatases) benefiting invader establishment and that intense competitive interactions between the invader and its close relatives suppressed exotic growth.Synthesis and applications. This study presents the first experimental evidence that phylogenetic relatedness has contrasting effects on different aspects of invader success, thus shedding light on the long-standing Darwin's naturalization conundrum. Moreover, our findings also have important implications for management of plant invasions: for controlling invasive species characterized by high establishment probability, native species distantly related to the invasive species can be planted in sites surrounding the invasion foci, whereas the opposite seems to be true for controlling those characterized by large individual size.
机译:确定成功的决定因素入侵物种的管理是至关重要的生物入侵。难题,外来物种当地人应该成功,因为有关为当地环境共享的亲和力条件,但同时近亲往往更强烈的竞争,限制市场的侵略者的机会。通常认为这两个对立的假设是相互排斥的,但证据为丰富,表明实用生物入侵的管理困境。在这项研究中,我们播下的种子入侵异国情调的虫道artemisiifolia l到369年实验模拟一个植物群落引入外来植物为一系列新的栖息地。增长的性能在这些入侵者实验社区系统入侵者和社区之间的关系居民介绍了。入侵者建立拒绝的概率随着系统之间的距离入侵者和居民,而平均大小幸存的入侵者个人增加系统发育的距离。至少部分解释的观测近亲倾向于创建类似的土壤小环境通过窝藏相似的土壤酶(如碱性和酸性磷酸酶)受益入侵者建立和强烈有竞争力的入侵者和之间的相互作用其近亲属抑制异国情调增长。提出了第一个实验证据系统发育关系有截然不同的效果在入侵者的不同方面的成功,因此揭示了长期达尔文入籍难题。对管理也有重要影响控制外来入侵植物的入侵:物种的特征是高概率,本地物种远亲入侵物种可以种植在网站入侵周围的焦点,而相反的似乎是真正的控制特点是大个体的大小。




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