首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Environmental levels of neonicotinoids reduce prey consumption, mobility and emergence of the damselfly Ischnura elegans

Environmental levels of neonicotinoids reduce prey consumption, mobility and emergence of the damselfly Ischnura elegans


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1. Freshwaters are among the most endangered ecosystems in the world as a result of anthropogenic interference such as pollution. Pollution in the form of neonicotinoids has been intensively studied, but data thus far is often conflicted by contrasting responses between laboratory and field experiments. In addition, toxicity data are scarce and contradictory for insects such as Odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) and a potential risk to them may therefore be overlooked. 2. We investigate the potential risk of neonicotinoids to Odonates by exposing nymphs of the blue-tailed damselfly Ischnura elegans to environmentally relevant concentrations of the neonicotinoid thiacloprid. We consider I. elegans as an indicator species for other Odonates as it is an abundant, widespread and eurytopic species. We analyse the effects of thiacloprid on multiple endpoints (survival, consumption, growth, molting, mobility and emergence), using cage-experiments as well as controlled field observations in naturally colonized experimental ditches. In addition, we assess sensitivity by either feeding the damselfly nymphs with lab-cultured prey or by letting them feed freely on natural aquatic invertebrates. 3. All sublethal endpoints of I. elegans are affected to some degree, and strongly depend on the food offered; free-feeding nymphs are more sensitive than culturefed nymphs. Environmental relevant concentrations of thiacloprid strongly reduce the emergence of I. elegans and this effect is more substantial in the natural populations compared to the caged damselflies. This is likely explained by exclusion of additional biotic pressures such as predation in the caged experiment. 4. Policy implications. Literature reports that one out of seven Odonates is threatened and 24% of the species have declining populations. Our observations show that current risks of neonicotinoids to Odonates are underestimated in laboratory experiments as the toxicity is governed by multiple biotic factors suc
机译:1. 生态系统的结果污染等人为干扰。污染的形式烟碱类深入研究,但迄今为止的数据通常是矛盾通过对比之间的反应实验室和现场实验。毒性数据稀缺和矛盾如Odonates(蜻蜓和昆虫豆娘)和可能的潜在风险因此被忽视。潜在风险的烟碱类Odonates暴露的仙女蓝豆娘Ischnura线虫环境相关的浓度烟碱类杀虫剂thiacloprid。我们认为i线虫作为物种指标对于其他Odonates,因为它是一个丰富的,广泛的和广幅物种。thiacloprid对多个端点的影响(生存、消费增长,蜕皮,流动性并使用cage-experiments以及出现)控制在自然的野外观察殖民实验沟渠。评估敏感性通过喂养豆娘和人造的猎物或仙女让他们自由自然水生无脊椎动物。线虫的影响在某种程度上,和强烈取决于提供的食物;比culturefed仙女更敏感。环境相关浓度的thiacloprid强烈降低我的出现。线虫和这种效应更大自然种群相比,关在笼子里豆娘。排除更多的生物压力等笼子里的实验捕食。的影响。七Odonates和24%的威胁物种数量下降。观察结果表明,当前的风险烟碱类Odonates是低估了像毒性实验由多个生物因素等




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