首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Modelling multi-species and multi-mode contact networks:Implications for persistence of bovine tuberculosis at the wildlife–livestock interface

Modelling multi-species and multi-mode contact networks:Implications for persistence of bovine tuberculosis at the wildlife–livestock interface


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1 Individual-and species-level heterogeneity in contact rates can alter the ability of a pathogen to invade a host community.Many pathogens have multiple modes of transmission—by direct or indirect contact.It is important to identify the role of heterogeneity in different types of transmission when managing the risk of disease spillover at the interface among different host species.2 We developed a network-based analysis to explore how individual-and species-level heterogeneity shape multi-mode contact networks.We applied this network-based approach to contact data from proximity loggers collected in a multi-species host community that contributes to the spillover of the disease bovine tuberculosis (bTB) to cattle populations in Michigan,USA.We used this approach to (a) quantify how individual-and species-level heterogeneity influence direct and indirect contacts in this system,(b) explore how management interventions to control spillovers,such as the installation of deer fences,can alter observed contact networks and c) predict the role that wildlife species have in maintaining bTB in the community.3 We found that individual-and species-level heterogeneity disproportionately influenced indirect and direct contact networks,with individual-level heterogeneity having a greater effect on indirect contact networks and species-level heterogeneity having a greater effect on direct contact networks.We also found that the installation of deer fences significantly reduced deer-specific indirect contacts.We used the results from our network analysis to show that white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) could act as the sole reservoir host for bTB in this community with important implications for understanding past bTB dynamics and managing the persistence of bTB in the future.4 Synthesis and applications.Analyses of epidemiological networks rarely account for multiple modes of contact,which can lead to an incomplete understanding of how individual-and species-level heterog
机译:1个人和了解异质性接触率可以改变一种病原体的能力入侵主机社区。多个传输直接或模式间接接触。作用在不同类型的异质性传播在管理疾病的风险溢出效应在不同主机之间的接口species.2探讨个人和了解异构多模形状联系网络。接触来自邻近伐木工收集的数据在一个主机社区大型化导致疾病的蔓延牛结核病(bTB)牛数量在密歇根州,美国。量化个人和如何了解异质性的直接和间接影响联系人在此系统中,(b)探讨管理干预措施控制溢出效应,如鹿的安装栅栏,可以改变观察接触网络和c)野生动物物种有预测作用维护bTB community.3个人和了解异质性不成比例的间接和直接的影响接触网络,个人需要异质性对间接产生更大影响接触网络和了解异质性对直接接触产生更大影响网络。鹿栅栏deer-specific显著降低间接接触。网络分析表明白尾鹿(Odocoileus virginianus)可以作为唯一在这个社区bTB储存宿主重要的意义,可以让人们了解过去的bTB动力学和管理bTB的持久性的future.4流行病学网络很少考虑多种模式的联系,这可能导致一个不完整的了解个人和了解heterog




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