首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Assessing bottom trawling impacts based on the longevity of benthic invertebrates

Assessing bottom trawling impacts based on the longevity of benthic invertebrates


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1.Bottom trawling is the most widespread human activity directly affecting seabed habitats.Assessment and effective management of the effects of bottom trawling at the scale of fisheries requires an understanding of differences in sensitivity of biota to trawling.Responses to disturbance are expected to depend on the intrinsic rate of increase in populations (r),which is expected to be linearly related to the reciprocal of longevity.2.We examine the relationship between the longevity of benthic invertebrates and their response to bottom trawling;both in terms of the immediate mortality following a trawl pass and their subsequent rates of recovery.We collate all available data from experimental and comparative trawling studies,and test how longevity influences these aspects of sensitivity.3.The shortest lived organisms (1 year decreased by ~9% immediately following a trawl pass.The effect of bottom trawling in comparative studies increased with longevity,with a 2–3× larger effect on biota living >10 years than on biota living 1–3 years.We attribute this difference to the slower recovery rates of the long-lived biota.4.The observed relationship between the intrinsic rate of population increase (r,our metric of recovery rate) and the reciprocal of longevity matches theoretical expectation and predicts that the sensitivity of habitats to bottom trawling is higher in habitats with higher proportions of long-lived organisms.5.Synthesis and applications.Where the longevity of a species or the longevity distribution of a community is known or can be inferred,our estimates of depletion and intrinsic rate of increase can be combined with high-resolution maps of trawling intensity to assess trawling impacts at the scale of the fishery or other defined unit of assessment.Our estimates of r
机译:1.活动直接影响到海底栖息地。底拖网捕鱼的规模的影响渔业需要理解生物群的敏感性的差异拖网捕鱼。依赖于内在的速度增加人口(r),预计是线性的longevity.2.We的倒数检查的寿命之间的关系底栖无脊椎动物和他们的反应底拖网捕鱼;无论是立竿见影死亡率在拖网通过和他们随后的复苏。从实验和比较数据拖网研究和测试如何长寿sensitivity.3.The的影响这些方面最短的活生物体( 1年下降了~ 9%拖网后立刻通过。海底拖网作业比较研究增加与长寿,对生物群2 - 3×大影响生活比生物群生活1 - 3 > 10年年。长寿biota.4.The的回收率观察内在率之间的关系人口增长率(r,我们复苏的指标率)和长寿的相互匹配理论预期和预测底拖网捕鱼是敏感性的栖息地更高和更高比例的栖息地长寿organisms.5。应用程序。一个社区的寿命分布已知或可推断,我们的估计损耗和内在增长率结合高分辨率的地图拖网捕鱼强度评估拖网捕捞规模的影响定义的渔业或其他单位评估。



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