首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Different criteria for implementing sanitary regulations lead to disparate outcomes for scavenger conservation

Different criteria for implementing sanitary regulations lead to disparate outcomes for scavenger conservation


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1.Integrating environmental concerns into sectoral policies is a priority for sustainable development.Despite environmental policy integration being established in Europe in 1998,major weaknesses still limit its effectiveness,such as poor coordination at national and subnational levels.2.We use the integration of scavenger conservation into sanitary European regulations to illustrate how the adoption of different criteria when implementing the same legislation affects the effectiveness of the environmental policy integration process.We focus on the implementation across Spanish autonomous regions of Regulation EU 142/2011 allowing dead livestock to be left in situ for feeding scavengers.Using Asturias (NW Spain) as a case study,we provide spatially explicit estimates of two key factors guiding the implementation of the legislation,the estimates of scavenger feeding requirements,and the area designated as scavenger feeding zones,based on different criteria used across Spanish regions.3.We detected a remarkable variation in both scavenger feeding requirements (up to 452%;ranging from 108 to 596 t/year) and scavenger feeding zones (up to 72% in size) depending on the implementation criteria used.4.The concentration of scavenger feeding requirements per km~2 within scavenger feeding zones (i.e.,carrion demand) varied up to 167%.Similarly,the concentration of carrion supply from livestock within scavenger feeding zones (i.e.,carrion availability) changed up to 33%.5.Policy implications.Our results support the need for systematic evaluations to choose the best criteria for implementing sanitary regulations concerning scavenger conservation.Interregional coordination in implementing the agreed criteria emerges as a relevant issue to improve the effectiveness of environmental policy integration for transboundary conservation of European scavengers.
机译:1.政策是一个可持续发展的当务之急发展。集成是建立在欧洲1998年,仍然限制它的主要弱点有效性,如缺乏协调国家和地方性的levels.2。集成的食腐动物保护欧洲卫生法规来说明当采用不同的标准实现相同的立法影响环境政策的有效性集成的过程。实现在西班牙自治区监管欧盟142/2011让死去的牲畜离开原位喂食腐动物。西班牙阿斯图里亚斯(西北)作为一个案例研究中,我们提供空间明确的两个关键因素的估计指导立法的实施食腐动物喂养的估计需求,该地区指定为食腐动物喂养区,基于不同的标准西班牙regions.3。食腐动物喂养需求的变化(最高可达452%;从108年到596吨/年)食腐动物饲养区大小(72%)根据实现的标准used.4。在食腐动物喂养要求每公里~ 2区(例如,腐肉需求)不同167%。供应在食腐动物喂养牲畜区(例如,腐肉可用性)改变5 33%。系统的评估选择的必要性最佳实施卫生标准法规清道夫保护。实现约定的出现作为一个标准有关问题改善的有效性环境政策集成跨界保护欧洲食腐动物。



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