首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Maintaining ecosystem properties after loss of ash in Great Britain

Maintaining ecosystem properties after loss of ash in Great Britain


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1.Acute outbreaks of pests and disease are increasingly affecting tree populations around the world,causing widespread ecological effects.In Britain,ash dieback Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (Baral et al.) has severe impacts on common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) populations,and the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) is likely to add to the impact in future.This will cause significant changes to the character and functioning of many ecosystems.However,the nature of these changes and the best approach for conserving ecosystems after ash loss are not clear.2.We present a method to locate those areas most ecologically vulnerable to loss of a major tree species (common ash) and identify the resultant damage to distinctive ecosystem properties.This method uses the functional traits of species and their distributions to map the potential degree of change in traits across space and recommend management approaches to reduce the change.An analytic hierarchy process is used to score traits according to ecological importance.3.Our results indicate that in some areas of Britain,provision of ash-associated traits could be reduced by over 50% if all ash is lost.Certain woodland types,and trees outside woodlands,may be especially vulnerable to ash loss.However,compensatory growth by other species could halve this impact in the longer term.4.We offer management guidance for reducing ecosystem vulnerability to ash loss,including recommending appropriate alternative tree species to encourage through planting or management in particular areas and woodland types.5.Synthesis and applications.The method described in this paper allows spatially explicit assessment of species traits to be used in the restoration of ecosystems for the first time.We offer practical recommendations for the ash dieback outbreak in Britain to help conserve functional traits in ecosystems affected by the loss of ash.This technique is widely applicable to a range of restoration and conservation scenarios
机译:1.越来越多地影响到树的数量世界,导致广泛的生态fraxineus (Baral et al。)有严重的影响常见的火山灰(Fraxinus精益求精的l .)人口和白蜡窄吉丁虫(Agrilusplanipennis Fairmaire)可能会增加在未来的影响。的性质和功能的变化生态系统。和最好的方法来保护生态系统后灰不是clear.2损失。大多数生态方法来定位这些地区容易受到损失的一个主要树种(灰)和识别产生的损害独特的生态系统的性质。的功能特征及其物种分布地图的可能程度在空间和推荐的变化特征管理方法降低的变化。层次分析法用于得分根据生态importance.3.Our特征结果表明,在某些地区英国,提供ash-associated特征减少超过50%,如果所有灰。林地类型、和森林以外的树木特别容易受到火山灰的损失。在更长的term.4.We可以减半这个影响为减少生态系统提供管理指导易受火山灰的损失,包括推荐适当的替代树种鼓励尤其是通过种植或管理地区和林地types.5。应用程序。允许空间明确评估的物种特征用于恢复生态系统的第一次。建议火山灰爆发枯死英国帮助保护功能特征生态系统受到损失的火山灰的影响。广泛适用于各种技术恢复和保护情况



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