首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Linking habitat composition, local population densities and traffic characteristics to spatial patterns of ungulate‐train collisions

Linking habitat composition, local population densities and traffic characteristics to spatial patterns of ungulate‐train collisions


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1. The total length of railways worldwide exceeds 1 million kilometres and recent railway development directly impacts wildlife because of animal‐train collisions. Few studies, however, have analysed factors driving ungulate‐train collisions. 2. We analysed over 3,500 ungulate‐train collisions including roe deer, red deer, wild boar, and moose collected in 2012–2015 in Poland. We compared train traffic characteristics (e.g. traffic intensity, speed, rail curvature), land‐use and habitat characteristics (e.g. share of forests and build‐up areas) and local ungulate population densities at collision sites and random sites distributed along the rail network. 3. Forest coverage generally increased, while urban areas decreased ungulate collision risk. Local density of ungulate species had a strong positive relation to the relative collision risk in all four ungulate species, but above certain densities, the risk levelled off for all four species. 4. Train speed and train traffic intensity were positively associated with elevated collision risk in all four species, but the latter in a nonlinear manner reached an asymptote at the level of c. 10 trains per day. Rail curvature also increased probability of collisions with roe deer and red deer and possibly also wild boar. 5. Mortality rate of ungulates on railways in Poland is estimated to be 0.13%–0.42% of annual hunting bags of studied species assuming that only one individual is killed at each occasion and ignoring undetected collisions. These values are expected to increase in the near future due to increasing train speed in Central European countries. 6. Synthesis and applications. Ungulate‐train collisions spots are characterized by surrounding forest, rail curvature, high train speed, and a moderate to high train traffic intensity. To reduce collision risk in a cost‐effective way, we suggest prioritization of mitigation actions at sections of the railway characterized by those factors, for example, by fencing
机译:1. 和最近的铁路100万公里发展直接影响野生动物的动物的火车碰撞。分析了驱动因素有蹄的还是火车碰撞。有蹄类动物还是火车碰撞包括狍,红色鹿、野猪和驼鹿收集了2012 - 2015年在波兰。特征(如交通强度、速度、铁路曲率),土地使用和栖息地(如森林和特征建立地理区域)和本地人口有蹄类动物密度在碰撞地点和随机网站分布式沿着铁路网络。报道普遍增加,而城市地区减少有蹄的碰撞风险。有强烈的积极的有蹄类动物物种与相对碰撞风险上面四个有蹄类动物物种,但确定密度,所有四个风险趋于平稳物种。强度呈正相关在所有四个物种碰撞风险升高,但后者以非线性的方式达成渐近线的每天10 c。火车。铁路曲率的概率也增加了碰撞狍和马鹿也可能是野猪。铁路在波兰估计有蹄类动物0.13% - -0.42%的年度狩猎袋进行了研究种假设只有一个个人在每一次死亡,忽略未被发现碰撞。在不久的将来将增加火车的速度在欧洲中部国家。应用程序。周围的森林、铁路曲率,高速列车和温和火车交通强度高。风险在一个成本有效的方式,我们建议优先级的减排措施部分铁路的特点是这些因素,例如,通过击剑




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