首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >The ecological implications of rubber-based agroforestry: Insect conservation and invasion control

The ecological implications of rubber-based agroforestry: Insect conservation and invasion control


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1. Protected areas are increasingly threatened by biological invasions, especially in tropical Asia where extensive areas of natural habitats have been converted to monoculture plantations. Such disturbance provides a gateway for exotic species invasions, highlighting an urgent need for cross-boundary solutions to mitigate invasion impacts. 2. Agroforests, with multi-storied trees and crops resembling the complex structure of natural forest, are known to promote native species compared to monoculture plantations. Yet, our knowledge on their roles in controlling exotic species is limited to plant invaders, with effects on animal invaders still unknown. Given that protected areas are increasingly threatened by invaders from surrounding plantations, with a majority of them represented by insects, it is important to evaluate the effect of agroforestry practice, and mechanisms of associated management to control invasions. 3. By using both taxonomic and functional trait-based approaches, we studied leaf litter ant communities in 12 rubber monoculture (mono-rubber), 9 rubber plantation with understory crops (agro-rubber), 16 secondary and 12 old-growth secondary forest plots in and around protected areas in Hainan, China. Sampled ants were further classified into groups based on their invasive potential (tramp vs. non-tramp) to determine the ecological values of agro-rubber. 4. We found that despite mono-rubber and agro-rubber presenting similar species richness, the latter (a) supports species composition and functional diversity more similar to secondary forests and (b) reduces tramp ant species occurrence, a novel management incentive. Nonetheless, agro-rubber is not comparable to secondary forest in terms of non-tramp ant species composition. 5. Synthesis and applications. Against the increasing threat of biological invasions, preserving natural forests in human-dominated landscapes is crucial. Increasing the area of agro-rubber at the periphery of protected areas as
机译:1. 生物入侵,特别是在热带亚洲在广泛领域的自然栖息地被转换为单一种植。扰动为外来物种提供网关入侵,强调迫切需要跨境的解决方案来缓解的入侵影响。类似的复杂结构和作物自然森林,促进本地比单一种植物种。我们的知识在他们的角色在控制植物入侵的外来物种是有限的影响动物入侵者仍然未知。保护区正日益受到威胁由入侵者从周围的种植园,其中大部分由昆虫,它是农林复合经营的重要评估效果实践中,相关管理的机制控制入侵。和功能叫实验方法,我们研究了落叶的蚂蚁社区12橡胶单一(mono-rubber), 9橡胶种植园与下层植被作物(agro-rubber), 16个二级和12原始次生林和阴谋在中国海南,在保护区。蚂蚁被进一步分为组的基础上他们的入侵潜力(流浪汉比non-tramp)确定agro-rubber的生态价值。4. agro-rubber呈现类似的物种丰富度,后者(a)支持物种组成和功能多样性更类似于次要的森林和(b)减少流浪汉蚂蚁发生,一种新颖的管理激励。尽管如此,agro-rubber不是媲美次生林non-tramp ant物种组成。应用程序。生物入侵,保护天然林世界中维持景观是至关重要的。agro-rubber的面积在增加受保护区域的边缘



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