首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Temporal dynamics and drivers of landscape-level spread by emerald ash borer

Temporal dynamics and drivers of landscape-level spread by emerald ash borer


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1. Non-native insects pose threats to forest health and often spread via stratified dispersal in which long-distance jumps cause elevated rates of range expansion. Quantifying patterns and developing models of spread are central to understanding drivers of invasion and forecasting future invasions. 2. We investigated the utility of models for characterizing and predicting spread of emerald ash borer (EAB), quantified temporal dynamics of spread and identified correlates of county-level invasion risk. 3. We estimated rates and frequency of EAB spread and length of long-distance jumps throughout the contiguous USA from 1997 to 2018 and compared observed patterns with model predictions. A time-to-event model was then developed at the county level to assess the influence of habitat characteristics and propagule pressure on invasion risk. The final model was used to forecast invasion risk across the contiguous USA. 4. Range expansion by EAB accorded well with model predictions. Following the initial establishment phase, range expansion rates were biphasic, shifting to a faster, linear pattern around 2002 and then declining from 2015 onwards. From 2003 onwards, EAB invaded 6-134 new counties per year, including a mean of 14 discrete jumps per year averaging 93 ± 7 SE km. 5. Risk of spread was positively associated with proximity to previously invaded areas, human population density and densities of ash and non-ash trees in rural forests but negatively associated with temperature. 6. Synthesis and applications. At the regional level, the invasion by emerald ash borer appears to be entering the saturation phase, indicating that most high-risk counties in the eastern USA have been invaded. Even though spread has recently slowed, counties in close proximity to invaded areas and that have high densities of humans and trees are at the greatest risk of becoming invaded. Taken together, our findings provide insight into historical and future dynamics of range expansion by emeral
机译:1. 健康和经常通过分层扩散传播中长距离跳跃导致利率升高范围的扩张。开发模型的传播中心理解司机的入侵和预测未来的入侵。模型描述和预测白蜡窄吉丁虫的传播(EAB),量化时间动态传播和识别有关县级入侵风险。估计利率和EAB频率和传播长度的长距离跳跃连续的美国从1997年到2018年,相比观察到的模式与模型预测。比较模型开发的县级评估栖息地的影响特征和繁殖体压力入侵的风险。在美国连续预测入侵风险。4. 模型预测。建立阶段,扩张率范围两相的,转移快,线性模式2002年左右,然后从2015年开始下降。从2003年开始,EAB入侵6 - 134个县每年,包括平均14离散跳跃每年平均93±7公里。传播距离呈正相关以前入侵地区,人口密度和密度的火山灰和non-ash树农村森林但负相关温度。区域层面上,灰的入侵钻似乎进入饱和阶段,表明大多数高危县美国东部入侵。传播最近放缓,县接近入侵地区和高密度的人类和树是最伟大的成为入侵的风险。发现提供了洞察历史未来的动态范围由emeral扩张



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