首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Diet diversity and pesticide risk mediate the negative effects of land use change on solitary bee offspring production

Diet diversity and pesticide risk mediate the negative effects of land use change on solitary bee offspring production


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1. Threats to bee pollinators such as land use change, high pesticide risk and reduced floral diet diversity are usually assessed independently, even though they often co-occur to impact bees in agroecosystems. 2. We established populations of the non-native mason bee Osmia cornifrons at 17 NY apple orchards varying in proportion of surrounding agriculture and measured floral diet diversity and pesticide risk levels in the pollen provisions they produced. We used path analysis to test the direct and indirect effects of different habitats, diet diversity and pesticide risk on emergent female offspring number and weight. 3. High proportions of agricultural habitat surrounding bee nests indirectly reduced the number of female offspring produced, by reducing floral diet diversity in pollen. 4. When the proportion of agriculture surrounding bee nests was high, bees collected increased proportions of Rosaceae in their pollen provisions, which marginally (0.05 < p < 0.1) increased fungicide risk levels in pollen. This, in turn, marginally reduced female offspring weight. In contrast, female offspring weight increased as proportions surrounding open habitat (wildflowers, grassland and pasture) increased, but this effect was not influenced by proportion Rosaceae or fungicide risk levels in pollen. 5. Synthesis and applications. Threats to bee health such as land use change, pesticide exposure and changes in pollen diet composition are often studied in isolation. However, our results suggest that these threats can simultaneously influence one another to impact bee populations in the agroecosystems where we rely on them for pollination. By replacing surrounding agricultural habitats with more natural habitats, such as grasslands and pastures, we can increase floral diet diversity and reduce pesticide exposure in bee-collected pollen, resulting in healthier mason bee populations in apple orchards.
机译:1. 改变,高农药风险和减少花卉饮食多样性通常评估独立,尽管他们经常同时发生蜜蜂在农业生态系统的影响。人口的非梅森蜜蜂壁蜂采cornifrons 17岁纽约苹果园不同农业和周围的比例测量植物的饮食多样性和农药的风险他们生产水平花粉条款。使用路径分析测试直接和间接影响不同的栖息地,饮食多样性和农药风险的女性后代数量和重量。农业栖息地周围的蜜蜂巢间接减少雌性后代的数量生产,通过减少花卉饮食的多样性花粉。周围的蜜蜂巢高、蜜蜂收集增加比例的蔷薇科花粉规定,略(0.05 < p < 0.1)增加了花粉的杀菌剂风险水平。反过来,略微减少雌性后代重量。增加比例周围开放的栖息地(野花,草原和牧场)增加,但这种影响不是受比例的影响蔷薇科花粉或杀菌剂风险的水平。合成和应用程序。如土地利用变化、农药接触花粉的饮食成分经常变化孤立地研究。这些威胁可以同时显示蜜蜂数量影响彼此影响在我们依靠他们的农业生态系统授粉。农业栖息地自然栖息地,如草原和牧场,我们可以增加花卉饮食多样化和减少农药暴露在bee-collected花粉,导致健康的梅森蜜蜂数量的苹果果园。



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