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Pop-off data storage tags reveal niche partitioning between native and non-native predators in a novel ecosystem


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1. Niche partitioning might be predicted to be particularly dynamic in 'novel ecosystems' characterized by human-altered environmental conditions and biological invasions. Restoration efforts for native species in such systems can be informed by detailed characterization of niche partitioning. 2. In Lake Ontario, fishery management agencies have been engaged in a long-term struggle to restore native top predators including lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Meanwhile, management agencies continue to stock non-native species like Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) into the lake to support a recreational fishery and to help control the abundance of a non-native forage fish, the alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). 3. We used pop-off data storage tags to study fine scale (9.1M lines of data from 22 animals) behaviour and habitat use by lake trout (native) and Chinook salmon (non-native) in Lake Ontario in terms of depth and temperature, recorded at ≤70 s intervals for periods of up to 12 months. 4. Chinook salmon occupied warmer and shallower waters during summer than did lake trout, and their niche breadth was wider. They achieved greater niche breadth in part because they were much more active vertically, cumulatively traveling 103 ± 1 m/hour during summer (model-estimated median), whereas most lake trout were relatively inactive vertically (7 ± 1 m/hour). In each of our analyses, there was more inter-individual variation among lake trout than among Chinook salmon, driven by some lake trout that spent considerable time making forays into warmer, shallower waters. 5. Synthesis and applications. Our results illustrate the different foraging tactics used by two species in the Great Lakes and reflect their distinct life histories. Physical niche partitioning between Chinook salmon and lake trout helps to explain how these species can co-exist in a multi-species fishery even while having overlap in diet. The diversity of behaviours exhibited here by native lake trout
机译:1. 特别是在小说的生态系统的动态特点是human-altered环境条件和生物入侵。努力在这样的系统可以对本地物种通过利基的详细描述分区。一直从事管理机构长期努力恢复本地捕食者包括湖红点鲑(Salvelinus湖红点鲑)。继续像奇努克股票非本地物种鲑鱼(雄tshawytscha)入湖中支持休闲渔业和帮助控制大量的非饲料鱼,女主人(Alosa pseudoharengus)。大声讲话的数据存储标签用来研究好规模(9.1行数据从22动物)使用行为和栖息地湖红点鲑(本地)在安大略湖和奇努克鲑鱼(非)的深度和温度,记录≤70年代间隔12个月的时间。4. 水在夏天比湖鳟鱼,他们的利基广度是广泛的。更大的生态位宽度,部分原因在于他们更活跃的垂直,累计在夏季旅行103±1米/小时(模型估计中位数),而大多数湖鳟鱼相对不活跃的垂直(7±1米/小时)。inter-individual湖鳟鱼比之间的变化奇努克鲑鱼中,由一些湖鳟鱼,花了相当长的时间使得进军暖,浅水域。应用程序。不同觅食策略使用的两个物种五大湖,反映了他们不同的生活历史。奇努克鲑鱼和鳟鱼有助于解释湖这些物种如何在多物种共存渔业即使在饮食重叠。行为表现出在本机的多样性湖红点鲑




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