首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Among stand heterogeneity is key for biodiversity in managed beech forests but does not question the value of unmanaged forests: Response to Bruun and Heilmann-Clausen (2021)

Among stand heterogeneity is key for biodiversity in managed beech forests but does not question the value of unmanaged forests: Response to Bruun and Heilmann-Clausen (2021)

机译:站之间的异质性是生物多样性的关键在山毛榉森林管理但不问题非托管森林的价值:应对Bruun和Heilmann-Clausen (2021)

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1. Schall et al. (2020) assessed how a combination of different forest management systems in managed forest landscapes dominated by European beech may affect the biodiversity (alpha, beta and gamma) of 14 taxonomic groups. Current forest policy and nature conservation often demand for combining uneven-aged managed and unmanaged, set-aside for nature conservation, beech forests in order to promote biodiversity. In contrast to this, Schall et al. (2020) found even-aged shelterwood forests, represented by different developmental phases, to support highest regional (gamma) diversity. 2. By pointing out that unmanaged forests included in our study are not old-growth forests, Bruun and Heilmann-Clausen (2021) challenge our conclusion as not providing sound scientific advice to societies. It is true that the studied unmanaged forests are not representing old-growth forests as defined in the literature. However, we demonstrate the representativeness of our unmanaged forests for current beech forest landscapes of Central Europe, where managed forests were more or less recently set-aside in order to develop old-growth structures. We also show that the managed and recently unmanaged forests in our study already differ distinctively in their forest structures. 3. We use this response to stress the role of forest reserves for promoting certain species groups, and to emphasise their importance as valuable research sites today and in the future. 4. Synthesis and applications. We see two main conclusions from our study. First, unmanaged forests still matter. We agree with Bruun and Heilmann-Clausen (2021) on the general importance of unmanaged, old-growth or long-untouched forests, and we do not question the importance of set-aside forests for biodiversity conservation. However, a complete complementarity to managed systems may only reveal after many decades of natural development. Second, safeguarding biodiversity in largely managed forest landscapes should focus on providing a la
机译:1. 不同的森林管理系统的管理森林景观主要由欧洲山毛榉影响生物多样性(α,β和γ)14个分类群。自然保护经常需求结合异龄托管和非托管,储备品自然保护,山毛榉森林为了促进生物多样性。et al .(2020)发现同龄林分shelterwood森林,由不同的发展最高阶段,支持区域(γ)多样性。森林纳入我们的研究并不古老森林、Bruun和Heilmann-Clausen (2021)挑战我们的结论不提供声音社会科学建议。研究了非托管森林代表原始森林中定义的文学。代表性的非托管森林目前中央的山毛榉森林景观欧洲,管理森林或多或少最近储备品为了开发原始结构。最近非托管森林已经在我们的研究中独特的森林结构不同。3.促进某些种类的森林保护区组,并强调他们的重要性有价值的研究网站的今天和未来。4. 从我们的研究结论。森林仍然重要。Heilmann-Clausen(2021)的重要性非托管的、古老的或long-untouched森林,我们没有问题的重要性储备品对生物多样性的保护森林。然而,一个完整的互补管理系统可能只披露经过许多年的自然的发展。生物多样性在很大程度上受管理的森林景观应该专注于提供一个洛杉矶吗



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