首页> 外文期刊>Minerals & Metallurgical Processing >Studies of anionic reagents for phosphate beneficiation

Studies of anionic reagents for phosphate beneficiation


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A multiyear, comprehensive study of flotation reagents used in phosphate beneficiation was conducted. The study involved the evaluation of pure fatty acid compounds, comparison of various anionic collectors and testing of iso-acids. Various C12 to C22 fatty acids were tested as Florida phosphate collectors. The saturated fatty acids were found to be very poor collectors when using the standard conditioning procedure, whereas the unsaturated C16 to C22 fatty acids showed fair to good phosphate collecting ability. The C18 fatty acids oleic, impure oleic and linoleic and the C20 eicosenoic acid were shown to be the best phosphate collectors. The best flotation results were obtained using Liqro GA tall oil and oleic acid. Four isostearic/iso-oleic acid type fatty acid collectors were compared with a commercial grade oleic acid and with Liqro GA tall oil as phosphate collectors using standard laboratory conditioning and flotation procedures. The most selective collector evaluated was Century 1108, a high isostearic acid-type reagent. However, it was concluded that this excellent-performing reagent was too expensive for commercial use. Overall, the most promising reagent was probably Century MO-5. This collector is essentially an iso-oleic acid/stearic acid mixture (not isostearic acid), and it costs much less. This program laid a sound foundation for developing single collector, all anionic flotation processes.
机译:多年,浮选的全面研究试剂磷酸用于选矿进行的。纯脂肪酸化合物,比较各种阴离子iso-acids的收藏家和测试。各种C12脂肪酸被测试佛罗里达磷酸收藏家。酸被发现时非常贫穷的收藏家使用标准的调节过程,而不饱和C16脂肪酸显示公平良好的磷酸收集能力。C18脂肪酸油的,不洁净的油的和亚麻油酸和甜eicosenoic酸磷酸是最好的收藏家。浮选结果使用Liqro GA高油和油酸。isostearic /异油酸型脂肪酸收藏家们相比,商业级油酸和Liqro GA妥尔油磷酸收集器使用标准的实验室调节和浮选过程。选择性收集器评估世纪1108年高isostearic酸性试剂。这是认为优秀艺术吗对商业使用试剂太贵了。总的来说,最有前途的试剂可能是世纪MO-5。异油酸/硬脂酸混合物(不是isostearic酸),成本少得多。项目为发展奠定了坚实的基础单一的收集器,阴离子浮选流程。



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