首页> 外文期刊>Robotics & Machine Learning Daily News >Study Results from Shenyang Aerospace University in the Area of Machine Learning Reported (Reinforcement Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Supporting Real-time Rescue Assignments for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles)

Study Results from Shenyang Aerospace University in the Area of Machine Learning Reported (Reinforcement Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Supporting Real-time Rescue Assignments for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles)


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By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Robotics & Machine Learning Daily News Daily News – Fresh data on Machine Learning are presented in a new report. According to news reporting originating in Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, “Rescue assignments strategy are crucial for multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (multi-AUV) systems in three dimensional (3-D) complex underwater environments. Considering the requirements of rescue missions, multi-AUV systems need to be cost-effective, fast-rescuing, and less concerned about the relationship between rescue missions.”
机译:机器人技术与新闻记者新闻编辑机器学习每日新闻每日新闻,新鲜机器学习提出了新的数据报告。在沈阳,中华人民共和国NewsRx记者,研究指出,“救援分配策略为多个至关重要自主水下航行器(multi-AUV)系统在三维(3 d)复杂的水下环境。救援任务,multi-AUV系统需要划算,fast-rescuing,和更少的关注关于救援任务之间的关系。”




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