首页> 外文期刊>The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety >Design and Implementation of an Analgesia, Sedation, and Paralysis Order Set to Enhance Compliance of pro re nata Medication Orders with Joint Commission Medication Management Standards in a Pediatric ICU

Design and Implementation of an Analgesia, Sedation, and Paralysis Order Set to Enhance Compliance of pro re nata Medication Orders with Joint Commission Medication Management Standards in a Pediatric ICU


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Background: The use of pro re nata (PRN) medication orders increases nursing flexibility and efficiency of bedside patient care. However, misuse and/or ambiguity of PRN medication orders may increase the propensity for medication errors. The Joint Commission has Medication Management (MM) standards to mitigate such risks. This quality improvement study with a pre-post design aimed to increase compliance of PRN sedative and analgesic orders with use of failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) and human factors risk assessment methodologies in a pediatric ICU (PICU). Methods: Staffeducation and a PICU analgesia, sedation, and paralysis order set, with predefined PRN orders, were implemented to enhance PRN medication compliance with Joint Commission MM standards. The primary goal was to achieve and maintain a weekly average compliance of ≥ 90%. Proportions of compliant PRN analgesic and sedative orders before and after interventions were compared. Results: Weekly average PRN orders compliance increased from 62.0% ± 9.2% to 77.7% ± 10.1% after staff education was implemented ( p = 0.013). After order set implementation, weekly average compliance further increased to 93.2% ± 3.6% ( p 90% until the end of the study period. Conclusion: Interdisciplinary synthesis using FMEA and human factors risk assessment is effective for identifying system failure modes associated with Joint Commission MM standard noncompliance. Implementation of an order set with forced functionality to include order information compliant with Joint Commission MM standards can enhance and maintain Joint Commission–compliant PRN medication orders.
机译:背景:临机应变的使用(打印)药物订单增加护理的灵活性和效率的床头病人护理。对药物的滥用和/或模棱两可的订单可能会增加药物的倾向吗错误。减轻这种风险管理(MM)标准。这张后质量改进研究设计旨在增加打印的遵从性镇静、镇痛订单使用故障模式和影响分析(FMEA)和人类风险评估方法的因素针对新生儿重症监护室医生儿科ICU(儿童重症监护室医生)。针对新生儿重症监护室医生一个儿童重症监护室医生镇痛、镇静和瘫痪集,使用预定义的打印订单,实施加强对药物符合联合委员会毫米标准。达到和维持每周平均合规≥90%。和镇静剂订单之前和之后干预措施进行比较。合规从平均打印订单62.0%±9.2%到77.7%±10.1%的员工教育是实现(p = 0.013)。订单设置实现,每周平均水平合规进一步增加到93.2%±3.6% (p 90%,直到结束研究期间。综合利用FMEA和人为因素风险评估是有效的识别系统失效模式与联合委员会毫米标准的不服从。命令集,包括强制功能订单信息符合联合委员会毫米标准可以提高和维护关节Commission-compliant对药物订单。




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