首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Ecology >Breeding dispersal in black-headed gull: the value of familiarity in a contrasted environment

Breeding dispersal in black-headed gull: the value of familiarity in a contrasted environment


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1. Some species (e.g. migratory species with high movement ability) are unlikely to experience any physical cost when dispersing, at least at the landscape scale. In these species dispersal is nevertheless behaviourally constrained to avoid non-physical costs such as the loss of familiarity with the breeding environment, and these constraints can be maladaptive in a fast-changing environment. 2. We evaluated such constraints using multievent modelling of a 20-year capture-mark-recapture data set from a multisite population of black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). The population undertakes seasonal migrations that are very large compared with the size of the study area. 3. Distances between colonies appeared as a strong predictor of breeding adults' dispersal rates, confirming behavioural constraints on dispersal. In addition, birds that had recruited outside their colony of birth (natal dispersers) tended to return to their colony of birth later in life (long-term memory effect). 4. An attraction for larger colonies was also visible in breeding adult dispersal patterns. The fact that distance and memory still constrained dispersal although the largest colony provided higher breeding success indicated departures from the ideal-free distribution, probably linked with the lack of information about distant colonies. Moreover, the regional population apparently functioned as a meta-colony where individuals frequently bred in suboptimal-choice locations before being able to recruit in their preferred colony.
机译:1. 运动能力)不太可能经历任何物理成本分散时,至少在景观尺度。然而行为约束等非物质成本的损失熟悉的繁殖环境这些约束可以适应不良快速变化的环境。使用multievent造型的约束20年capture-mark-recapture从一个数据集多点红嘴鸥人口(Chroicocephalus ridibundus)。进行季节性迁徙非常相比之下,研究区域的大小。3.预示育种成年人的传播率,证实行为约束分散。出生在他们的殖民地(natal的作用)倾向于回到他们出生后的殖民地(长期记忆效应)。吸引更大的殖民地也可见在培育成人传播模式。这段距离和记忆仍受限传播虽然提供了最大的殖民地更高的繁殖成功表示偏离ideal-free分布可能与缺乏信息的遥远的殖民地。此外,该地区人口明显充当一个meta-colony个人经常饲养在suboptimal-choice位置在能够招募他们的首选殖民地。




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