首页> 外文期刊>Nordic Journal of Botany >Taxonomy of the Poa laxa group, including two new taxa from Arctic Canada and Greenland, and Oregon, and a re-examination of P. sect. Oreinos (Poaceae)

Taxonomy of the Poa laxa group, including two new taxa from Arctic Canada and Greenland, and Oregon, and a re-examination of P. sect. Oreinos (Poaceae)

机译:Poa laxa集团的分类,包括两个新的分类群来自北极的加拿大和格陵兰岛俄勒冈州,Oreinos复审的教派(禾本科)

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The Poa laxa Haenke species group, comprising four alpine-arctic taxa in P. sect. Oreinos, has a complicated and confusing taxonomic history. Here we re-examine the taxonomy of the group and section based on sequences of three plastid and two nuclearribosomal DNA markers. Poa laxa s.l. resolved in a clade with species of sections Abbreviatae, Oreinos, Stenopoa, and Tichopoa. In the plastid analyses, Poa laxa s.s. (type of sect. Oreinos) was placed in a subclade with P. glauca and other sect. Stenopoa species, while all other P. laxa s.l. taxa were placed in a subclade with species of sect. Abbreviatae. We maintain P. laxa s.s. (mainly 2n = 28) of west-central Europe in sect. Oreinos, while the other P. laxa s.l. taxa from northern Europe and NorthAmerica (all 2n = 42 or higher ploid) are referred to P. sect. Abbreviatae. In North America only one collection of the northern European P. flexuosa subsp. flexuosa is accepted (Greenland, Jensen's Nunatakker), and P. flexuosa subsp. fernaldiana is accepted based on populations in eastern Canada and northeast USA. A new subspecies, P. flexuosa subsp. consauliae, is described from eastern Arctic Canada and Greenland; its variable morphological characteristics suggest introgression with P. glauca and itis predicted to be apomictic. Rocky Mountain P. laxa subsp. banffiana is treated as P. banffiana. Oregon material formerly considered to belong to P. laxa s.l. is named P. wallowensis. Poa sect. Oreinos is thus found to be polyphyletic, and is here emended to comprise only three continental European species, including P. laxa. Lectotypes are designated for P. aspera var. laxiuscula, P. fernaldiana, P. flexuosa, and P. laxa var. debilior. New chromosome numbers are reported for P. flexuosa subsp. consauliae (ca 2n = 42), and P. glauca (2n = 63) from Baffin Island. A key to the species and subspecies found in North America is given.
机译:《行动纲领》laxa Haenke种群,包括四个在p .教派alpine-arctic类群。Oreinos,复杂和混乱的分类历史。我们重新审视的分类群基于三个质体和序列的部分两个nuclearribosomal DNA标记。在物种的进化枝的部分解决Abbreviatae、Oreinos, Stenopoa and Tichopoa。质体分析,Poa laxa砂岩(类型的教派。Oreinos)被放置在一个subclade P。glauca和其他教派。Stenopoa物种所有其他p laxa s.l.类群被放置在一个Abbreviatae subclade物种的教派。保持p laxa砂岩(主要是2 n = 28)中西部欧洲教派。Oreinos,从欧洲北部和其他p laxa s.l.类群其中(2 n = 42或更高ploid)被称为p Abbreviatae教派。美国只有一个北方的集合欧洲p . flexuosa无性系种群。(格陵兰、Jensen Nunatakker), P . flexuosa无性系种群。美国人口在加拿大东部和东北部。一个新亚种,p . flexuosa无性系种群。从北极的加拿大东部和描述格陵兰岛;特征表明基因渗入P。单性生殖的glauca和它预测。山p . laxa无性系种群。p . banffiana。属于P laxa s.l.叫P。wallowensis。是多源的,在这里校正组成只有三个欧洲大陆的物种,包括p . laxa。染色体数目是p . flexuosa报道无性系种群。从巴芬岛= 63)。并给出在北美发现的亚种。




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