首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Anisotropic optical properties of oriented silver nanorice and nanocarrots in stretched polymer films

Anisotropic optical properties of oriented silver nanorice and nanocarrots in stretched polymer films


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Stretching-induced orientation of both silver nanorice and silver nanocarrots dispersed in or deposited on the surface of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) films was investigated using polarized UV-visible-near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results show that the film stretching not only aligns the long axis of individual nanorice or nanocarrots preferentially along the stretching direction, but also induces assembly of these nanostructures into oriented arrays of random lengths in the deformation process. Consequently, the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance peaked at 820 nm for nanorice and 1050 nm for nanocarrots before stretching can be replaced by continuous extinction over the entire 800-1800 nm NIR spectral range after stretching. Stretched PVA films containing either silver nanorice or nanocarrots thus display polarization-dependent transmission of NIR light.
机译:两银Stretching-induced取向nanorice和银nanocarrots或分散沉积在表面的聚(乙烯醇)使用偏振(PVA)电影了UV-visible-near-infrared (NIR)光谱和原子力显微镜(AFM)。,这部电影的延伸不仅将长个人nanorice或nanocarrots轴心优先沿拉伸方向,但也引发这些纳米结构的组装为导向的随机长度的数组变形过程。纵向表面等离子体共振达到峰值nanocarrots nanorice 820 nm和1050 nm在拉伸可以取而代之的是连续的灭绝整个800 - 1800 nm近红外光谱拉伸后光谱范围。包含银nanorice或电影nanocarrots因此显示偏振相关近红外光谱光的传播。



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