首页> 外文期刊>SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification >Numerical Approximation of Optimal Convergence for Fractional Elliptic Equations with Additive Fractional Gaussian Noise

Numerical Approximation of Optimal Convergence for Fractional Elliptic Equations with Additive Fractional Gaussian Noise


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We study numerical approximation for one-dimensional stochastic elliptic equations with integral fractional Laplacian and the additive Gaussian noise of power-law: 1/f~β noise and fractional Brownian noise. We present an optimal convergence of our method using spectral expansions of noises. We first establish the well-posedness of a corresponding deterministic problem and show the stability of solutions for the rough data via negative norms in weighted Sobolev spaces. We also analyze the regularity of the noise and approximation properties of their finite truncations. Next, we show the optimal error estimates of our method for a wide range of parameters in the order of fractional operator and the fractional Gaussian noise. Finally, we present several numerical examples to illustrate the mean-square convergence orders and verify our optimal convergence rates.
机译:我们研究数值逼近一维随机椭圆方程与部分拉普拉斯算子和积分加性高斯噪声的幂律:1 / f ~β噪音和分数布朗噪音。我们的方法使用光谱的最佳结合扩张的噪音。相应的确定性的适定性问题问题和展示解决方案的稳定性粗糙的数据通过加权的消极的规范索伯列夫空间。噪音和近似的属性有限截断。错误的估计我们广泛的方法参数的顺序分算子和分数高斯噪声。给出了一些数值例子来说明均方收敛并验证我们的订单最优收敛率。



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