首页> 外文期刊>Disease Prevention Daily. >Research Conducted at Uppsala University Has Updated Our Knowl-edge about Peptide Hormones (Prevention of Hemorrhage-induced Renal Vasoconstriction and Hypoxia By Angiotensin li Type 1 Receptor Antagonism In Pigs)

Research Conducted at Uppsala University Has Updated Our Knowl-edge about Peptide Hormones (Prevention of Hemorrhage-induced Renal Vasoconstriction and Hypoxia By Angiotensin li Type 1 Receptor Antagonism In Pigs)


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2021 SEP 17 (NewsRx) - By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Disease Prevention Daily - Current study results on Peptide Proteins - Peptide Hormones have been published. According to news reporting from Uppsala, Sweden, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Angiotensin II (ANG II) is a potent vasoconstrictor and may reduce renal blood flow (RBF), causing renal hypoxia. Hypotensive hemorrhage elevates plasma ANG II levels and is associated with increased risk of acute kidney injury." Funders for this research include European Commission, Magnus Bergvall Foundation. The news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from Uppsala University, "We hypothesized that ANG II antagonism prevents renal vasoconstriction and hypoxia caused by hemorrhage. Pigs were anaesthetized, surgically prepared, and randomized to intravenous losartan (1.5 mg center dot kg-1 center dot h-1, n = 8) or an equal volume of intravenous Ringer acetate (vehicletreated, n = 8). Hemorrhage was induced by continuous aspiration of blood to reach and sustain mean arterial pressure of <50 mmHg for 30 min. Plasma ANG II levels, hemodynamics and oxygenation were assessed 60 min prehemorrhage, 30-min after the start of hemorrhage, and 60 min posthemorrhage. Erythropoietin mRNA was analyzed in cortical and medullary tissue sampled at the end of the experiment.
机译:2021年9月17日(NewsRx)——由一个新闻记者在疾病预防每日新闻编辑——电流研究结果对肽蛋白肽激素已经出版。报告从乌普萨拉,瑞典,NewsRx记者,研究指出,“血管紧张素ⅱ(ANGⅱ)是一种强有力的血管收缩剂,可能减少肾血流量(RBF),导致肾缺氧。ANGⅱ水平和增加有关急性肾损伤的风险。”研究包括欧洲委员会,马格努斯Bergvall基础。引用的研究获得的乌普萨拉我们假设和二世大学。对抗阻止肾血管收缩和缺氧引起的出血。麻醉、手术准备随机分为静脉洛沙坦(1.5毫克中心h -点公斤中心点,n = 8)或同等静脉注射醋酸铃声的音量(vehicletreated n = 8)。出血引起的通过连续血液到达和愿望维持平均动脉压的< 50毫米汞柱为30分钟。等离子体和第二水平,血液动力学氧化评估60分钟prehemorrhage,30分钟后开始出血,和60分钟posthemorrhage。皮质和髓组织采样实验结束。




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