首页> 外文期刊>Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine >A longitudinal study of posttraumatic stress reactions in Norwegian children and adolescents exposed to the 2004 tsunami.

A longitudinal study of posttraumatic stress reactions in Norwegian children and adolescents exposed to the 2004 tsunami.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and factors related to level of these in children who experienced a catastrophe as tourists and were therefore able to return to the safety of their homeland. DESIGN: Face-to-face semistructured interviews and assessments. SETTING: Children and adults were interviewed in their homes 10 months and 2(1/2) years after the tsunami. PARTICIPANTS: A volunteer sample of adults and children aged 6 to 17 years who were exposed to the 2004 tsunami (at 10 months, 133 children and 84 parents; at 2(1/2) years, 104 children and 68 parents). Main Exposure The tsunami in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004. OUTCOME MEASURES: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) PTSD Reaction Index. RESULTS: Two children had scores indicative of PTSD at 10 months. There was a significant decrease in symptoms after 2(1/2) years, and no children had scores exceeding the clinical cutoff at this time. Only the death of a family member and subjective distress were independently and significantly associated with PTSD scores at 10 months, whereas sex, need for professional mental health services prior to the tsunami, and parental sick leave owing to the tsunami were independent predictors of PTSD symptoms at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The children reported fewer symptoms of PTSD compared with children in other disaster studies. Predictor variables changed from disaster-related subjective distress to factors related to general mental health at follow-up. The findings indicate the importance of secondary adversities and pretrauma functioning in the maintenance of posttraumatic stress reactions.
机译:摘要目的:调查的患病率创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的症状和相关因素的这些孩子经历了一场灾难,游客和谁因此,能回到安全的吗他们的家园。半结构式访谈和评估。背景:儿童和成年人接受了采访家园10个月和2(1/2)年之后海啸。成人和儿童6岁至17岁的人暴露在2004年海啸(在10个月,133儿童和84名家长;儿童和68名家长)。2004年12月26日海啸在东南亚。结果测量:加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校PTSD反应指数。孩子们成绩的PTSD 10点的说明个月。后症状2(1/2)年,没有孩子分数超过临床截止时间。主观的痛苦是独立的10与创伤后应激障碍得分显著相关个月,而性,需要专业的精神健康服务海啸之前,父母的病假由于海啸创伤后应激障碍症状的独立预测指标随访。少比儿童创伤后应激障碍的症状其他灾害的研究。从与灾害有关主观的痛苦一般心理健康相关因素随访。二次逆境和pretrauma创伤后的维护功能压力的反应。



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