首页> 外文期刊>Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine >Changes in state-specific childhood obesity and overweight prevalence in the United States from 2003 to 2007.

Changes in state-specific childhood obesity and overweight prevalence in the United States from 2003 to 2007.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine changes in state-specific obesity and overweight prevalence among US children and adolescents between 2003 and 2007. DESIGN: Temporal cross-sectional analysis of the 2003 and 2007 National Survey of Children's Health data. SETTING: The 50 states and the District of Columbia. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 46 707 and 44 101 children aged 10 to 17 years in 2003 and 2007, respectively. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence and odds of obesity and overweight, differentials in which were examined by bivariate and logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: In 2007, 16.4% of US children were obese and 31.6% were overweight. The prevalence of obesity varied substantially across the states, with Mississippi having the highest prevalence (21.9%) and Oregon the lowest prevalence (9.6%). Overweight prevalence varied from a low of 23.1% for children in Utah to a high of 44.5% for children in Mississippi. Between 2003 and 2007, obesity prevalence increased by 10% for all US children and by 18% for female children, declined by 32% for children in Oregon, and doubled among female children in Arizona and Kansas. Children in Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Georgia, and Kansas had more than twice the adjusted odds of being obese than children in Oregon. Individual, household, and neighborhood social and built environmental characteristics accounted for 45% and 42% of the state variance in childhood obesity and overweight, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Substantial geographic disparities in childhood obesity and overweight exist, with an apparent shift toward higher prevalence in 2007 for several states. Marked geographic disparities indicate the potential for considerable reduction in US childhood obesity.
机译:目的:研究针对各州具体情况的变化肥胖和超重的流行在我们中间2003年和2007年之间的儿童和青少年。设计:颞横断面的分析2003年和2007年全国调查的儿童健康数据。哥伦比亚特区。707年和101年44 10到17岁的儿童2003年和2007年,分别。措施:患病率和肥胖的几率超重,被检查的差异由二元逻辑回归分析。结果:在2007年,16.4%的美国儿童肥胖和31.6%的人超重。在美国肥胖差异很大,与密西西比河患病率最高的国家(21.9%)和俄勒冈州最低的患病率(9.6%)。肥胖患病率不同的低23.1%儿童在犹他州的高点44.5%孩子们在密西西比州。所有我们肥胖发病率增加了10%儿童和18%为女性的孩子,拒绝了32%的儿童在俄勒冈州,在翻了一番女孩在亚利桑那州和堪萨斯州。在伊利诺斯州、田纳西州、肯塔基州、西弗吉尼亚州,乔治亚州和堪萨斯州的两倍多调整比儿童肥胖的几率俄勒冈州。社会和构建环境特征占45%和42%的方差在儿童肥胖和超重,分别。儿童肥胖和超重之间的差距存在,明显转向更高2007年流行几个州。地理差异显示的潜力相当大的减少儿童肥胖。



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