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Treat pedestrians as adults


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You're never short of strategic overview with this government. There is always a plethora of blue sky thinking and new initiatives to be announced and re-announced by every government department and the good old Department for Transport is no exception. Remember those old archive favourites such as John Prescott's pledge that if he failed to cut traffic on our roads in five years you could assume he had failed Then there was that plan to increase rail passenger traffic by 50% and rail freight by 80%. But at least there was a vision, however flawed. For all its faults the original Ten Year Plan for Transport was at least an attempt to map out where investment was needed and quantify the amount. Now the Department has produced the second iteration of the plan entitled The Future of Transport which extends it to 2014-15.
机译:你永远不会缺少战略概述政府。天空的思考和宣布新举措和re-announced每一个政府部门和良好的旧交通部是否定的例外。如约翰·普雷斯科特的承诺,如果他失败了在五年内削减我们的交通道路可以假设他失败了还有吗铁路客运提高50%的计划,铁路货运80%。视野,然而有缺陷的。原始运输至少十年计划试图制定投资需要的地方和量化的。第二次迭代产生的计划《运输延伸它的未来2014 - 15。



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