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Impact of drug aggregation on the structural and dynamic properties of Triton X-100 micelles

机译:药物的影响在结构和聚合特里同x - 100胶束的动态属性

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Surfactants are used in a wide range of chemical and biological applications, and for pharmaceutical purposes are frequently employed to enhance the solubility of poorly water soluble drugs. In this study, all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments have been used to investigate the drug solubilisation capabilities of the micelles that result from 10 wt% aqueous solutions of the non-ionic surfactant, Triton X-100 (TX-100). Specifically, we have investigated the solubilisation of saturation amounts of the sodium salts of two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen and indomethacin. We find that the ibuprofen-loaded micelles are more non-spherical than the indomethacin-loaded micelles which are in turn even more non-spherical than the TX-100 micelles that form in the absence of any drug. Our simulations show that the TX-100 micelles are able to solubilise twice as many indomethacin molecules as ibuprofen molecules, and the indomethacin molecules form larger aggregates in the core of the micelle than ibuprofen. These large indomethacin aggregates result in the destabilisation of the TX-100 micelle, which leads to an increase in the amount of water inside of the core of the micelle. These combined effects cause the eventual division of the indomethacin-loaded micelle into two daughter micelles. These results provide a mechanistic description of how drug interactions can affect the stability of the resulting nanoparticles.
机译:表面活性剂用于广泛的化学物质和生物应用,医药目的经常使用提高水溶性差的溶解性药物。(MD)模拟和小角度中子散射实验被用来(SANS)探讨药物溶液化的能力结果从10 wt %的胶束水溶液解决方案的非离子表面活性剂,特里同x - 100 (tx - 100)。调查了饱和溶液化两个非甾体类的大量的钠盐抗炎药:布洛芬和吲哚美辛。胶束是对于比反过来indomethacin-loaded胶束对于甚至比tx - 100胶束没有任何形式的毒品。模拟显示,tx - 100胶束能溶解吲哚美辛的两倍分子作为布洛芬分子,吲哚美辛大聚合分子形式比布洛芬微团的核心。大消炎痛聚集导致的的tx - 100胶束,不稳定的导致增加的水量在胶束的核心。导致最终的效果indomethacin-loaded胶束成两个女儿胶束。药物相互作用如何影响的描述生成的纳米粒子的稳定性。



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