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Closing the Chasm


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In most big bookstores, the books you see first don't last. They're out on the front tables for you to sample. If they sell well, there's no guarantee they'll stay on the shelves for months, much less years. Even the biggest bookstores don't have enough room to store a fraction of the new books that wash in and out, like foam on a tide. Those that stay are part of the culture. You expect to find them at a bookstore because their appeal endures. With fiction, the appeal may last years, decades or centuries. Nonfiction books, however, bear the burden of relevance. Among the nonfiction categories, business books don't age as rapidly as sports and travel titles, unless they're about technology. Books about technology trends and companies tend to age as well as last week's meat. When I look at my bookshelves, I wince at titles like The Big Tech Score and Managing Inter@ctivity. It's not that any of these books contain bad information; they simply speak of a time that is going or gone.
机译:在大多数大型书店中,您首先看到的书都不会持续。 他们在前桌子上供您采样。 如果他们卖得很好,就不能保证他们会在货架上呆几个月,更少的时间。 即使是最大的书店,也没有足够的空间来存储一小部分新书,就像潮汐一样。 那些留下来的是文化的一部分。 您希望在书店里找到它们,因为它们的吸引力会持久。 有了小说,上诉可能是去年,几十年或几个世纪的时间。 但是,非小说类书籍承担着相关性的负担。 在非小说类类别中,商业书籍的老龄化不如体育和旅行标题,除非它们与技术有关。 有关技术趋势和公司的书籍往往会衰老以及上周的肉。 当我看着书架时,我会赢得像Big Tech Score和Inter@ctitive这样的标题。 这些书中的任何一个都不包含不良信息; 他们只是谈论过去或消失的时间。



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