首页> 外文期刊>Health sociology review: the journal of the Health Section of the Australian Sociological Association >(Dis)entangling medicine and media: a qualitative analysis of the relationship between the fields of healthcare and journalism

(Dis)entangling medicine and media: a qualitative analysis of the relationship between the fields of healthcare and journalism


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Previous research has illustrated that journalists play an active role in the production of health news. The current study explores the relationship between the fields of healthcare and journalism from a healthcare perspective. Drawing on Bourdieu's theory of fields and Gieryn's concept of boundary-work, this study employed elite interviewing to analyse how the relations between these two fields were reflected and negotiated in the discourses of Belgian health-policy stakeholders. Our analysis illustrated that health-policy stakeholders perceived medicine and the news media as two different cultures and, therefore, discursively positioned news media actors as outsiders. Additionally, we showed that the nature of the relationship between health-policy stakeholders and the news media was linked to health-policy stakeholders' position within the healthcare field. Through this analysis, we illustrate the value of using the concept of boundary-work as an analytical instrument to study the relationships between fields.




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