首页> 外文期刊>Health sociology review: the journal of the Health Section of the Australian Sociological Association >Afflexivity in post-qualitative inquiry: prioritising affect and reflexivity in the evaluation of a health information website

Afflexivity in post-qualitative inquiry: prioritising affect and reflexivity in the evaluation of a health information website


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Increasingly, people turn to online sources for health information, creating human-non-human relationalities. Health websites are considered accessible in scope and convenience but can have limited capacity to accommodate complexities. There are concerns about who gets to 'assemble' with these resources, and who is excluded. Guided by Ahmed's socio-political theories of emotions, we questioned our feelings as we intra-acted with a consumer information website about back pain (MyBackPain). This encouraged us to approach resource evaluation in a way that alters conventional rational/cognitive judgement processes. Our inquiry was 'supra-disciplinary' involving public health, sociology, allied health and consumer collaborators. Specifically, we considered relationality - the feelings circulating between bodies/objects and implicated in MyBackPain's affective practices; impressions - the marks, images or beliefs MyBackPain makes on bodies/objects; and directionality - how these intra-actions pushed in some directions and away from others. Although Ahmed would likely not consider herself 'post-humanist', we argue that her socio-political theories of how objects and emotions entangle are of great interest to furthering critical post-human understandings of health. Rather than threatening decision-making, we suggest that feelings (and their affects) are central to it. The article demonstrates the productive potential of critical post-human inquiry in identifying/countering 'othering' possibilities, and catalysing a 'nomadic shift' towards new human-non-human formations.
机译:人们越来越多地转向在线资源以获取健康信息,创造了人类非人的关系。健康网站在范围和便利性方面被认为可以访问,但可容纳复杂性的能力有限。人们担心谁可以用这些资源“组装”,谁被排除在外。在艾哈迈德(Ahmed)的情感社会政治理论的指导下,我们质疑我们的感受,因为我们在消费者信息网站上进行了有关背痛的信息(Mybackpain)。这鼓励我们以改变常规理性/认知判断过程的方式进行资源评估。我们的询问是“超学科”,涉及公共卫生,社会学,盟友健康和消费者合作者。具体而言,我们考虑了关系 - 身体/物体之间流传的感觉,并与Mybackpain的情感实践有关;印象 - Mybackpain对身体/对象的标记,图像或信念;和方向性 - 这些内部行动如何朝某些方向推动并远离其他方向。尽管艾哈迈德(Ahmed)可能不会认为自己是“后人类主义者”,但我们认为她关于物体和情感如何纠缠的社会政治理论非常感兴趣,以增进对健康后健康的批判性理解。我们建议的不是威胁决策,而是建议感觉(及其影响)是核心。本文展示了关键后人类调查在识别/反对“其他”可能性以及将“游牧转变”催化向新的人类非人类形成的可能性上的富有成效潜力。



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