首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the European Economic Association >Counterproductive Worker Behavior After a Pay Cut Get access Arrow

Counterproductive Worker Behavior After a Pay Cut Get access Arrow


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We examine how workers reacted to a pay cut in a sales call center setting in the United States. The pay cut was implemented by raising two pre-existing sales targets, that is, by “moving the goalposts”. Using a difference-in-difference approach, weshow that among the workers who experienced the pay cut, some chose to leave the firm (exit); others generated abnormally high customer refunds, in a way that hurt both them and the firm. (We define this work practice as counterproductive.) The firm believed, and we present evidence, that these workers intentionally sold the wrong items, as opposed to simply optimally shirking on effort in response to the pay cut. We show that the most loyal workers (those with longer tenure) expressed themselves onlythrough counterproductive work practices and not through exit. Less loyal workers reacted more strongly than loyal workers, and did so through a balanced mix of exit and counterproductive behavior. To our knowledge, this is the first study to document individual-level patterns of exit and (counter-) productivity following a pay cut and, how these differ for high- versus low-loyalty workers.
机译:我们研究了在美国的销售呼叫中心设置中对工人的削减税款的反应。削减薪水是通过提出两个先前存在的销售目标来实施的,即“移动门柱”。使用差异差异的方法,在经历了薪水削减的工人中,有些人选择离开公司(退出);其他人则以伤害他们和公司的方式产生了异常高的客户退款。 (我们将这种工作实践定义为适得其反。)该公司认为,我们提供了证据,表明这些工人有意出售错误的物品,而不是简单地最佳地避免努力以响应削减薪水。我们表明,最忠实的工人(任期更长的工人)表达了自己的适得其反的工作实践,而不是通过退出。忠诚的工人的反应比忠实的工人更强烈,并且通过出口和适得其反的行为的平衡组合做到了这一点。据我们所知,这是第一个记录削减薪水后的个人级别出口模式和(反)生产力的研究,以及高属于低名单工人的差异。



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