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The Multifaceted Impact of COVID-19 on the Female Academic Emergency Physician: A National Conversation


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COVID-19 has impacted all health care professionals in every aspect of life. Female academic emergency physicians have been uniquely affected and continue to face challenges related to clinical workloads, work-life integration, academic productivity, leadership and visibility within departments, and mental health. This white paper, prepared on behalf of the Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine (AWAEM), describes the differential impact of COVID-19 on female academic emergency physicians explored during a virtual panel discussion at the 2020 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting. AWAEM convened a virtual panel of women to begin a discussion to share experiences and challenges and formulate consensus guidelines regarding best practices and mitigation strategies. The authors describe the unique ways in which female academic physicians have been affected, identify ongoing and intensified gender gaps, and delineate strategies to address the identified problems. Specific recommendations include individual, as well as, institutional and systems-level approaches to combat the inequities.
机译:Covid-19在生活的各个方面都影响了所有医疗保健专业人员。女性急诊医师受到了独特的影响,并继续面临与临床工作负载,工作生活一体化,学术生产力,领导力,领导能力和可见性以及心理健康相关的挑战。这份白皮书代表代表妇女学术急诊医学学院(AWAEM)编写,描述了Covid-19对2020年2020年学术急诊医学学术学会年度会议的虚拟小组讨论中探讨的Covid-19对女性学术急诊医师的不同影响。 Awaem召集了一个虚拟妇女小组,开始讨论,分享经验和挑战,并制定有关最佳实践和缓解策略的共识准则。作者描述了女性学术医师受到影响的独特方式,确定持续和加强的性别差距,并描述解决确定问题的策略。具体建议包括个人以及制度和系统级别的方法来打击不平等现象。



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