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MEHRC Mold Workshop Offers Insights, Guidance on Tough Issues that IEQ Professionals Face


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Nearly 150 indoor environmental quality (IEQ) professionals received the latest mold remediation information and learned about new research findings during a unique workshop in Baltimore, Maryland, in September. The two-and-a-half-day workshop, presented by the MidAtlantic Environmental Hygiene Resource Center (MEHRC) covered: 1. How-to descriptions by leading industry experts on mold investigation and remediation 2. Safety and health considerations for abatement teams during mold remediation 3. The health impact of moldy buildings on occupants 4. Responsibility and liability 5. Quality assurance, clearance sampling, and reopening a building for occupancy 6. Altering mechanical systems and repairing building envelopes to prevent new mold growth 7. References for additional information.
机译:9月,近150名室内环境质量(IEQ)专业人员收到了最新的模具修复信息,并在9月在马里兰州巴尔的摩的独特研讨会上了解了新的研究结果。 由中大西洋环境卫生资源中心(MEHRC)举办的两天半的研讨会涵盖了:1。领先的霉菌调查和修复行业专家的操作方法描述2.在减排团队的安全和健康考虑期间的安全和健康考虑。 霉菌修复3.发霉的建筑物对乘员的健康影响4.责任和责任5.质量保证,清除抽样以及重新开放占用建筑物6.改变机械系统和修复建筑物的信封以防止新的霉菌生长7.参考7. 信息。




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