首页> 外文期刊>BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. >Clinician education, advice and SMS/text reminders improve test of reinfection rates following diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae: before and after study in primary care

Clinician education, advice and SMS/text reminders improve test of reinfection rates following diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae: before and after study in primary care


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Background Evidence-based guidelines for the management of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae recommend testing for reinfection 3-6 months following treatment, but retesting rates are typically low. Methods Participants included six primary care clinics taking part in a pilot study of strategies designed to improve partner notification, follow-up and testing for reinfection. Rates of retesting between 6 weeks and 6 months of a positive chlamydia or gonorrhoea diagnosis were compared across two time periods: (1) a historical control period (no systematic approach to retesting) and (2) during an intervention period involving clinician education, patient advice about reinfection risk reduction and retesting, and short messaging service/text reminders sent 2-3 months post-treatment inviting return for retesting. Retesting was calculated for demographic subgroups (reported with 95% CI). Results Overall 25.4% (61 of 240, 95% CI 20.0 to 31.4) were retested during the control period and 47.9% (116 of 242, 95% CI 43.2 to 55.1) during the intervention period. Retesting rates increased across most demographic groups, with at least twofold increases observed for men, those aged 20-29 years old, and Maori and Pasifika ethnic groups. No significant difference was observed in repeat positivity rates for the two time periods, 18% (11 of 61) retested positive during the control and 16.4% (19 of 116) during the intervention period (p>0.05). Conclusions Clinician and patient information about retesting and a more systematic approach to follow-up resulted in significant increases in proportions tested for reinfection within 6 months. These simple strategies could readily be implemented into primary healthcare settings to address low rates of retesting for bacterial sexually transmitted infections.
机译:基于循证的背景循证指南,用于治疗后3-6个月后3-6个月的淋病和淋病奈瑟氏菌建议对重新感染进行测试,但重新测试率通常很低。方法参与者包括六个初级保健诊所,该诊所参与了一项旨在改善合作伙伴通知,随访和重新感染测试的策略的试点研究。在两个时间段内比较了6周至6个月的阳性衣原体或淋病诊断率,在两个时间段内进行了比较:(1)历史控制期(没有系统的重新测试方法)和(2)在涉及临床医生,患者的干预期内有关降低风险和重新感染风险的建议,以及短暂的消息服务/文本提醒,治疗后2-3个月邀请回报进行重新测试。计算人口亚组的重新测试(报告为95%CI)。在对照期间重新测试了总体25.4%(240个中的61个,95%CI 20.0至31.4),在干预期间为47.9%(242个中的116,116,95%CI 43.2至55.1)。大多数人口群体的重新测试率提高,男性,20-29岁的男性以及毛利人和帕西菲卡族群的观察到至少增加了两倍。在两个时间段内的重复阳性率中未观察到显着差异,在对照期间重新测试了阳性,在干预期间重新测试了阳性,16.4%(116个)(p> 0.05)。结论临床医生和患者有关重新测试的信息和更系统的后续方法,导致6个月内重新感染的比例大幅增加。这些简单的策略很容易被实施到主要的医疗保健环境中,以解决细菌性传播感染的重新测试率低。




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