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The impact of health education on attitudes of parents and religious leaders towards female genital mutilation


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Background Previous studies conducted in Iraqi Kurdistan have reported that parent's decisions to circumcise their daughters are based on religious or cultural beliefs. Despite the widespread practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), the effectiveness of educational strategies to change attitudes towards FGM has not been examined in this region. The present investigation examined the effectiveness of a short-term educational intervention to change the attitudes of parents and religious leaders towards FGM. Methods 192 Mullahs (religious leaders), 212 Mokhtars (traditional leaders) and 523 parents in rural areas in Iraqi Kurdistan were invited to participate in a pre-and post-test community-based interventional study in 2017. The Health Belief Model informed the intervention, and participants' attitudes were compared across two stages of the study. Results The attitudes of Mullahs, Mokhtars and parents substantially changed from a position of supporting female circumcision to expressing a wish to abandon the practice and not cut their future daughters (OR 1.57, 95% CI 1.02 to 2.42; OR 1.99, 95% CI 1.3 to 3.04 and OR 0.13, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.18, respectively). Conclusions The present study suggests that brief educational interventions can be an effective strategy for changing the attitudes of parents and public leaders towards FGM. Health education is a useful strategy for changing attitudes. However, such interventions must be delivered alongside other strategies to ensure a multifaceted approach to addressing complex social dynamics. A comprehensive public health approach is, therefore, necessary that includes legal measures, community-based action and an appropriate health system approach.
机译:背景先前在伊拉克库尔德斯坦进行的研究报告说,父母对女儿进行割礼的决定是基于宗教或文化信仰的。尽管女性生殖器肢解(FGM)的广泛实践,但在该地区尚未检查教育策略改变对FGM的态度的有效性。本调查研究了短期教育干预措施改变父母和宗教领袖对女性女外汇的态度的有效性。方法192 Mullahs(宗教领袖),212名Mokhtars(传统领导人)和523位在伊拉克库尔德斯坦农村地区的父母受邀参加2017年的一项基于测试前的社区介入研究。在研究的两个阶段,比较了参与者的态度。结果毛拉,莫克塔尔人和父母的态度从支持女性包皮环切术的立场发生了重大变化,以表达愿望放弃这种习俗而不是削减未来的女儿(或1.57,95%CI 1.02至2.42;或1.99,1.99,95%CI 1.3,95%CI 1.3,95%CI 1.3,95%至3.04和0.13,分别为95%CI 0.09至0.18)。结论本研究表明,简短的教育干预措施可能是改变父母和公共领导人对女性女外汇的态度的有效策略。健康教育是改变态度的有用策略。但是,必须与其他策略一起提供此类干预措施,以确保采用多方面的方法来解决复杂的社会动态。因此,有必要采用全面的公共卫生方法,其中包括法律措施,基于社区的行动和适当的卫生系统方法。



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