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COVID-19 and Solid Organ Transplantation: A Review Article


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The coronavirus pandemic has significantly impacted solid organ transplantation (SOT). Early in the outbreak period, transplant societies recommended suspending living kidney transplant programs in communities with widespread transmission to avoid exposing recipients to increased risk of immunosuppression, while recommendations were made to reserve deceased-donor kidney transplantation for likely life-saving indications. SOT recipients may be at high risk from COVID-19 disease due to chronic immunosuppressive treatment and other medical comorbidities. Mortality rates reported between 13 to over 30% in SOT recipients. In addition to high rates of complications and mortality attributable to COVID-19 infections, the pandemic has also led to additional complexities in transplantation including new questions regarding screening of donors and recipients, decision making to accept a patient for kidney transplant or wait after pandemic. The clinical implications of COVID-19 infection may also differ depending on the type of the transplanted organ and recipient comorbidities which further impacts decisions on continuing transplantation during the pandemic. Transplant activity during a pandemic should be tailored with careful selection of both donors and recipients. Furthermore, while tremendous strides have been made in treatment strategies and vaccinations, the impact of these in transplant recipients may be attenuated in the setting of their immunosuppression. In this review, we aim to summarize several aspects of COVID-19 in transplantation, including the immune response to SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics, clinical outcomes in SOT recipients, and end-stage kidney disease patients, transplant activity during the pandemic, and treatment options for COVID-19 disease.
机译:冠状病毒大流行严重影响了实体器官移植(SOT)。在疫情暴发早期,移植协会建议暂停在传播广泛的社区进行活体肾移植,以避免受者暴露在免疫抑制风险增加的情况下,同时建议保留已故供者肾移植,以备可能的救命指征。SOT受体可能2019冠状病毒疾病的高风险,由于慢性免疫抑制治疗和其他医疗合并症。SOT受者的死亡率在13%到30%之间。除了COVID2019冠状病毒疾病的并发症和死亡率高之外,大流行也导致移植的复杂性,包括关于捐赠者和受者的筛选的新问题,决定接受患者进行肾移植或在大流行之后等待。COVID2019冠状病毒疾病的临床意义也可能因移植器官的类型和受体的共同性而不同,进而影响在大流行病期间继续移植的决定。大流行期间的移植活动应根据捐赠者和接受者的仔细选择进行调整。此外,虽然在治疗策略和疫苗接种方面已经取得了巨大的进步,但这些对移植受者的影响可能会在免疫抑制的环境中减弱。在2019冠状病毒疾病2019冠状病毒疾病的研究中,我们的目的是总结COVID-19在移植中的几个方面,包括对SARS COV-2的免疫应答、SARS COV-2诊断、SOT受体的临床结果、终末期肾脏疾病患者、大流行病期间的移植活动以及COVID-19疾病的治疗选择。



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