首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Biomechanically distinct filter-feeding behaviors distinguish sei whales as a functional intermediate and ecologically flexible species

Biomechanically distinct filter-feeding behaviors distinguish sei whales as a functional intermediate and ecologically flexible species


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With their ability to facultatively switch between filter-feeding modes, sei whales represent a functional and ecological intermediate in the transition between intermittent and continuous filter feeding. Morphologically resembling their lunge-feeding, rorqual relatives, sei whales have convergently evolved the ability to skim prey near the surface of the water, like the more distantly related balaenids. Because of their intermediate nature, understanding how sei whales switch between feeding behaviors may shed light on the rapid evolution and flexibility of filter-feeding strategies. We deployed multi-sensor bio-logging tags on two sei whales and measured the kinematics of feeding behaviors in this poorly understood and endangered species. To forage at the surface. sei whales used a unique combination of surface lunges and skim-feeding behaviors. The surface lunges were slow and stereotyped, and were unlike lunges performed by other rorqual species. The skim-feeding events featured a different filtration mechanism from the lunges and were kinematically different from the continuous filter feeding used by balaenids. While foraging below the surface, sei whales used faster and more variable lunges. The morphological characteristics that allow sei whales to effectively perform different feeding behaviors suggest that sei whales rapidly evolved their functionally intermediate and ecologically flexible form to compete with larger and more efficient rorqual species.



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