首页> 外文期刊>農業電化 >Hovering and Swarming Behavior of Male Tabanus calens (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Tennessee and New Jersey, USA

Hovering and Swarming Behavior of Male Tabanus calens (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Tennessee and New Jersey, USA

机译:田纳西州和新泽西州男性Tabanus Calens(Diptera:Tabanidae)的徘徊和蜂拥而至的行为

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Hovering and swarming activity of male Tabanus calens L. were documented at distinctive sites above a woodland road clearing in Knox Co., TN (7 d), and above a slow-flowing river in Morris Co., NJ (6 d). Activity was restricted to the period near sunset. Mean activity typically began about 10 min before sunset and continued until about 10 min after sunset, with an average duration of 18.7 min (Tennessee) and 20.8 min (New Jersey). Swarming began earlier and thus lasted longer (55 min) on one cool New Jersey date. Onset and particularly cessation of activity tended to be statistically correlated with sunset time. Most males hovered at heights of 5-8 m in Tennessee, and they hovered in stable locations for a median of only 10 s (maximum 2 min 57 s) before darting away. Hovering in New Jersey was observed from 0.5-8.0 m above the water. The behavior of T. calens might be especially interesting to study in more detail, given its unusual eye morphology (lack of obvious dorsoventral facet size differences found inmales of most other Tabanidae).
机译:在田纳西州诺克斯公司(Knox Co.,TN,7d)的林地道路空地上方和新泽西州莫里斯公司(Morris Co.,NJ,6d)的缓流河流上方,记录了雄性虻的盘旋和群集活动。活动被限制在接近日落的时期。平均活动通常在日落前约10分钟开始,一直持续到日落后约10分钟,平均持续时间为18.7分钟(田纳西州)和20.8分钟(新泽西州)。在一次凉爽的新泽西约会中,蜂群开始得更早,因此持续时间更长(55分钟)。活动的开始,尤其是停止,往往与日落时间有统计学相关性。在田纳西州,大多数雄性在5-8米的高度盘旋,它们在稳定的位置盘旋,平均时间只有10秒(最长2分钟57秒),然后飞奔而去。在新泽西州上空0.5-8.0米处观察到了悬停现象。考虑到T.calens不同寻常的眼睛形态(在大多数其他虻科的动物中没有发现明显的背腹小面大小差异),对其行为进行更详细的研究可能特别有趣。



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