首页> 外文期刊>Journal of interferon and cytokine research: The official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research >The Multifunctional Roles of Short Palate, Lung, and Nasal Epithelium Clone 1 in Regulating Airway Surface Liquid and Participating in Airway Host Defense

The Multifunctional Roles of Short Palate, Lung, and Nasal Epithelium Clone 1 in Regulating Airway Surface Liquid and Participating in Airway Host Defense


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Short palate, lung, and nasal epithelium clone 1 (SPLUNC1) is a kind of secretory protein, and gets expressed abundantly in normal respiratory epithelium of humans. As a natural immune molecule, SPLUNC1 is proved to be involved in inflammatory response and airway host defense. This review focuses on summarizing and discussing the role of SPLUNC1 in regulating airway surface liquid (ASL) and participating in airway host defense. PubMed and MEDLINE were used for searching and identifying the data in this review. The domain of bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein in SPLUNC1 and the alpha-helix, alpha 4, are essential for SPLUNC1 to exert biological activities. As a natural innate immune molecule, SPLUNC1 plays a significant role in inflammatory response and airway host defense. Its special expression patterns are not only observed in physiological conditions, but also in some respiratory diseases. The mechanisms of SPLUNC1 in airway host defense include modulating ASL volume, acting as a surfactant protein, inhibiting biofilm formation, as well as regulating ASL compositions, such as LL-37, mucins, Neutrophil elastase, and inflammatory cytokines. Besides, potential correlations are found among these different mechanisms, especially among different ASL compositions, which should be further explored in more systematical frameworks. In this review, we summarize the structural characteristics and expression patterns of SPLUNC1 briefly, and mainly discuss the mechanisms of SPLUNC1 exerted in host defense, aiming to provide a theoretical basis and a novel target for future studies and clinical treatments.



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