首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science >Glue-line durability of organo-chemical/urea formaldehyde resin joints of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. plywood

Glue-line durability of organo-chemical/urea formaldehyde resin joints of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. plywood

机译:有机化学/尿素甲醛树脂接头的胶水线耐久性(L.)Gaertn。 胶合板

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Ceiba pentandra, a non-durable hardwood, is greatly patronized for plywood production. Urea-Formaldehyde (UF) adhesive-joints of plies are filled with toxic preservative-chemicals to extend their service-lives. These pose environmental anxieties. Thestrengths of C. pentandra ply glue-lines containing different concentrations of Erythrophleum suaveolens bark-extract/UF- and Fossect 88/UF-adhesives were compared. Controls comprised plies without preservative-chemicals at glue-joints. Bonds from dry-pressed plies were stronger (85.91 ± 3.80% for 3% E. suaveolens extract to 93.54 ± 3.79% for 2% extract) than the cold-pressed (68.51 ± 2.57 [1% extract]-84.53 ± 1.14% [2% extract]). Thus, 2% bark extract-UF bonds were the strongest. Glue-joints weakened after field exposure. However, the dry-treated ply bonds were equally more durable (29.55 ± 1.33 [Control]-62.84 ± 1.52% [Fossect 88]) than their respective cold-pressed ply-joints (22.99 ± 2.58-47.55 ± 1.55%). Steady decrease in bond strength occurred with prolonged outdoor exposure spanning 24 weeks. Visual durability rating for the entire plywood boards was in this decreasing order: Control (4) >1% extract (3) >2%, 3% extract and Fossect 88 (2), while that for the mass loss was: Control (46.79± 2.86%) >3% extract (7.80 ± 2.06%) >2% extract (10.98 ± 2.04%) >1% extract (13.10 ± 2.99%) >Fossect 88 (5.71 ± 1.15%). Industrially, organic preservatives (e.g. E. suaveolens bark extract) could substitute the conventional types in laminate glue-joints to reduceproduction costs and address ecological concerns without compromising bond performance.
机译:木棉(Ceiba pentandra)是一种不耐用的硬木,大量用于胶合板生产。帘布层的脲醛树脂(UF)粘合接头填充有毒防腐剂,以延长其使用寿命。这些都带来了对环境的担忧。比较了含有不同浓度的红草树皮提取物/UF-和Fossect 88/UF粘合剂的五花莲铺层胶系的强度。对照组包括在胶接处不含防腐剂的帘布层。与冷压(68.51±2.57[1%萃取物]-84.53±1.14%[2%萃取物])相比,干压帘布层的结合力更强(3%苏亚韦酯萃取物的结合力为85.91±3.80%,2%萃取物的结合力为93.54±3.79%)。因此,2%树皮提取物UF键最强。现场暴露后,胶接处变弱。然而,与各自的冷压层接头(22.99±2.58-47.55±1.55%)相比,干处理层接头同样更耐用(29.55±1.33[对照组]-62.84±1.52%[Fossect 88])。持续暴露24周后,粘结强度稳步下降。整个胶合板的视觉耐久性评级按降序排列:对照组(4)>1%提取物(3)>2%,3%提取物和Fossect 88(2),而质量损失的视觉耐久性评级为:对照组(46.79±2.86%)>3%提取物(7.80±2.06%)>2%提取物(10.98±2.04%)>1%提取物(13.10±2.99%)>Fossect 88(5.71±1.15%)。在工业上,有机防腐剂(如苏木油树皮提取物)可以替代传统类型的层压胶接头,以降低生产成本,解决生态问题,同时不影响粘结性能。



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