AbstractHisto-chemical and bio-chemical changes associated with all the stages of flowering of Histo-anatomical and bio-chemical study of <Emphasis Type='Italic'>Dendrocalamus brandisii</Emphasis> (Munro) Kurz before, during and after flowering
首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science >Histo-anatomical and bio-chemical study of Dendrocalamus brandisii (Munro) Kurz before, during and after flowering

Histo-anatomical and bio-chemical study of Dendrocalamus brandisii (Munro) Kurz before, during and after flowering

机译:<重点=“斜体”> Dendrocalamus Brandisii (Munro)Kurz开花前,开花前

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AbstractHisto-chemical and bio-chemical changes associated with all the stages of flowering ofDendrocalamus brandisiihave been studied. Starch distribution along and across the culm-wall was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively using standard methods. The average starch content varies significantly among the different stages of the culm. The average starch content was lowest in after-flowering culms (3.5%) followed by during flowering culms (7.8%) and maximum in non-flowered bamboo (10.8%). Further it is seen that the starch content also vary long the culm height. High concentration of starch was observed towards the top in before-flowering culms, while the distribution of starch was found to be uniform along the culm height in during-flowering culms. However, in after-flowered culms, comparatively more starch granules were observed in the middle of the culms and very traces were observed both in base and top portion of the culms. Although there was variation in the starch content along the culm heights, these variations were not statistically significant. Histo-chemical and bio-chemical studies on bamboo culms indicate that the starch content ofD. brandisiiculms depletes after flowering. It was also observed that culms with less starch content (after flowering culms) were more resistant towards powder post beetle attack.]]>
机译:Abstract已经研究了Brandocalamus brandisii。用标准方法定性和定量地评估了沿秆壁和跨秆壁的淀粉分布。平均淀粉含量在茎秆的不同时期有显著差异。开花后竹秆的平均淀粉含量最低(3.5%),其次是开花期竹秆(7.8%),无花竹秆的平均淀粉含量最高(10.8%)。此外,淀粉含量也随茎秆高度变化。开花前茎秆中淀粉含量较高,开花期茎秆中淀粉沿茎秆高度分布较均匀。然而,在花后的秆中,在秆的中部观察到更多的淀粉颗粒,并且在秆的基部和顶部都观察到非常微量的痕迹。虽然淀粉含量沿茎秆高度存在差异,但这些差异在统计学上并不显著。竹竿的组织化学和生物化学研究表明,D.brandisii竹竿开花后淀粉含量减少。此外,还观察到淀粉含量较低的茎秆(开花后的茎秆)更能抵抗甲虫攻击后的粉末]>



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