首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Evaluation of Nutrient Index using Manganese as a Measure of Fertility Status of Soils under Different Cropping Systems of Punjab in North-Western India

Evaluation of Nutrient Index using Manganese as a Measure of Fertility Status of Soils under Different Cropping Systems of Punjab in North-Western India


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Due to intensive cropping, improper agricultural practices and use of high grade chemical fertilizers, the areas gradually tend to show depletion of macro and micronutrients which has an adverse impact on quality and quantity of crops. Therefore, thisstudy was undertaken in three districts of Punjab (north-western India) with the aim of assessing the fertility status of soils of major cropping systems through nutrient index criteria. A total of 150 surface soil samples were collected from various blocks of three districts of Punjab located in the north-western region of India from major cropping systems viz., rice-wheat (Ludhiana district), maize-wheat (Ropar district) and cotton-wheat (Mansa district). These samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic carbon (SOC), cation exchange capacity (CEC), sand, silt, clay, DTPA-extractable manganese (DTPA-Mn) and different Mn fractions of variable solubility. In soils, with DTPA-Mn content (>5.0 mg kg"1 soil), the concentration of water soluble + exchangeable Mn (WSEX-Mn), specifically adsorbed Mn (SpAD-Mn), oxides bound Mn (OX-Mn), amorphous iron oxide bound Mn (AFeOX-Mn), crystalline iron oxide bound Mn (CFeOX-Mn) and organic matter bound Mn (OM-Mn) fractions was significantly higher as compared to soils with DTPA-Mn content (<3.5 or 3.5-5.0 mg kg"1 soil). Among all the Mn fractions, the residual-Mn (RES-Mn) fraction comprised the largest (65-71%) and OM-Mn fraction comprised the lowest (0.3-0.8%) proportion of total-Mn inall DTPA-Mn categories. Based on fertility ratings, SOC concentration in soils with DTPA-Mn categories (<3.5, 3.5-5.0 or 5.0 mg kg"1 soil) was medium with more than 60% of soil samples falling in the medium (0.40-0.75%) category. The EC in soils with different DTPA-Mn categories (<3.5, 3.5-5.0 or 5.0 mg kg"1 soil) was significantly low with more than 80% of soil samples falling in the low (<0.8 dS nor1) category. Based on the nutrients indices (2.63, 2.47 or 2.37), soil pH status was high in soils withdifferent DTPA-Mn categories (<3.5, 3.5-5.0 or >5.0 mg kg"1 soil), respectively. The EC was low in all DTPA-Mn categories. Organic carbon status was medium in all soils with different DTPA-Mn categories.
机译:由于集约种植、不当的农业做法和使用高等级化肥,这些地区逐渐出现宏、微量营养素枯竭的趋势,对作物的质量和数量产生不利影响。因此,本研究在旁遮普省(印度西北部)的三个地区进行,目的是通过营养指数标准评估主要种植制度土壤的肥力状况。从位于印度西北部的旁遮普省三个地区的不同区块收集了150个表层土壤样本,这些区块来自主要的种植制度,即:。,水稻小麦(卢迪亚纳区)、玉米小麦(罗帕尔区)和棉花小麦(曼萨区)。分析这些样品的pH值、电导率(EC)、土壤有机碳(SOC)、阳离子交换容量(CEC)、沙子、淤泥、粘土、DTPA可提取锰(DTPA-Mn)和不同溶解度的锰组分。在土壤中,在DTPA锰含量(>5.0 mg kg“1土壤)下,与DTPA锰含量(<3.5或3.5-5 mg kg“1土壤)的土壤相比,水溶性+交换性锰(WSEX-Mn)、特异性吸附锰(SpAD-Mn)、氧化物结合锰(OX-Mn)、非晶态氧化铁结合锰(AFeOX-Mn)、结晶氧化铁结合锰(CFeOX-Mn)和有机质结合锰(OM-Mn)组分的浓度显著升高。在所有锰组分中,残余锰(RES-Mn)组分占总锰的比例最大(65-71%),有机锰组分占总锰的比例最低(0.3-0.8%)。根据肥力等级,DTPA锰类土壤(<3.5、3.5-5.0或5.0 mg kg“1土壤)中的SOC浓度为中等,超过60%的土壤样本属于中等(0.40-0.75%)类别。不同DTPA锰类土壤(<3.5、3.5-5.0或5.0 mg kg“1土壤)中的EC显著较低,超过80%的土壤样本属于低(<0.8 dS nor1)类别。根据养分指数(2.63、2.47或2.37),不同DTPA锰类别的土壤(分别为<3.5、3.5-5.0或>5.0 mg kg“1土壤)的pH值较高。所有DTPA锰类别的EC均较低。所有DTPA锰类别的土壤的有机碳状态均为中等。



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