首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >ABH Gel: Comforting Cure or Pricey Placebo?

ABH Gel: Comforting Cure or Pricey Placebo?


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Despite a lack of evidence of benefit, the compounded product ABH gel (lorazepam, diphenhydramine, and haloperidol) continues to be prescribed for individuals in hospice and palliative care settings for the treatment of nausea and vomiting and terminal delirium. More effective and reliable pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies exist for the treatment of these conditions in the palliative care and hospice settings. We discuss the pharmacokinetic and clinical evidence for the individual components of ABH gel, as well as the compounded product, and attempt to understand the mechanism of effect that some purport to see, as well as why the compound continues to enjoy such a cult following. Truly, the continued use of ABH gel makes for a pricey placebo and delays the treatment of end-of-life symptoms with modalities that work. (C) 2020 AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
机译:尽管缺乏疗效证据,但复配产品ABH凝胶(劳拉西泮、苯海拉明和氟哌啶醇)继续被用于临终关怀和姑息治疗环境中的个人,用于治疗恶心呕吐和终末期谵妄。在姑息治疗和临终关怀环境中,存在更有效、更可靠的药理学和非药理学策略来治疗这些疾病。我们讨论了ABH凝胶各个成分的药代动力学和临床证据,以及复合产品,并试图理解一些人声称看到的作用机制,以及为什么该化合物继续受到如此狂热的关注。的确,持续使用ABH凝胶会产生昂贵的安慰剂,并延迟使用有效的方式治疗生命末期症状。(C) 2020年AMDA——后急性和长期护理医学学会。



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