首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Stored Products Research >Species diversity and relative abundance of Callosobruchus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in stored cowpea in four major agricultural produce markets in the central region, Ghana

Species diversity and relative abundance of Callosobruchus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in stored cowpea in four major agricultural produce markets in the central region, Ghana


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A study was conducted to investigate species diversity and relative abundance of Callosobruchus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a major insect pest infesting stored cowpea in the central region of Ghana. Cowpea stocks from Burkina Faso, Ejura, Ghana and Niger were obtained from the markets, and held to collect adults emerging from the cowpeas. Adult Callosobruchus spp. were identified based on the pattern of their hind femora and elytra. Five species, Callosobruchus maculatus, Callosobruchus rhodesianus, Callosobruchus chinensis Callosobruchus analis and Callosobruchus subinnotatus, were identified, with C. maculatus being the most abundant. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:开展了一项研究,以调查危害加纳中部地区贮藏豇豆的主要害虫胼胝体(鞘翅目:金蝇科)的物种多样性和相对丰度。从市场上获得了布基纳法索、埃胡拉、加纳和尼日尔的豇豆库存,用于收集豇豆中的成虫。成年胼胝体布鲁氏菌根据其后肢股骨和鞘翅的形态进行鉴定。共鉴定出5个物种,即斑状胼胝体、罗氏胼胝体、中国胼胝体、安氏胼胝体和亚Innotatus胼胝体,其中斑状胼胝体最为丰富。(C) 2017爱思唯尔有限公司版权所有。



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