首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Psychology >How predictions of economic behavior are affected by the socio-economic status of the target person

How predictions of economic behavior are affected by the socio-economic status of the target person


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We investigate how the stereotype of the poor (vs. middle class) influences behavioral predictions. In Study 1, participants made predictions regarding another person's economic behavior in scenarios pertaining to rate of time preferences (loss, gain of smaller and larger amount). We find that participants, across scenarios, expect individuals with low SES to show more short-sightednessi.e., steeper temporal discounting. This pattern persisted until strong diagnostic information about previous economic behavior was provided. These results are novel but consistent with previous work on stereotype application. Study 2 probed stereotype accuracy. Participants with lower vs. higher SES reported how they would act in scenarios matching those of Study 1. We find that they respond very similarly, which is in contrast to the stereotype that poor people are more short-sighted and may possibly be taken to suggest that the association between low SES and short-sightedness is biased.
机译:我们调查穷人(与中产阶级相比)的刻板印象如何影响行为预测。在研究1中,参与者对另一个人在与时间偏好率(减少和增加数量)相关的情景中的经济行为进行预测。我们发现,参与者在不同的情景中,都希望SES较低的个体表现出更多的近视。e、 ,更陡的时间折扣。这种模式一直持续到提供了有关以前经济行为的强有力的诊断信息。这些结果是新颖的,但与之前关于刻板印象应用的研究一致。研究2探讨了刻板印象的准确性。SES较低和较高的参与者报告了他们在与研究1相匹配的情景中的行为。我们发现,他们的反应非常相似,这与穷人更近视的刻板印象形成对比,这可能被认为表明低SES和近视之间的关联是有偏见的。



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